Chapter 108

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(Guys I'm stuck, I've written and rewritten chapter 109 at least 4 times i just don't know what to so should i take a couple days off till inspiration strikes me again. I hate leaving you guys without a new chapter. I honestly don't even think this chapter is good. I'll let you guys decide. I hope you enjoy it.)

When I got back to the hotel I placed the bags in the closet and sat down on the bed. I took off my shoes, then my clothes and got in the shower. I let the hot water wash over my body, relieving the tension from earlier in the day.

After I took what felt like an extremely long shower I put on the comfy clothes I took in the bathroom with me and wrapped my wet hair in a towel and headed out into the living room of the suite we were staying in.

I headed out to the balcony and took in the sunset. I took a deep breath and let it go. I thought I would be on the floor balled up crying but I wasn't. I think I was finally coming to terms with everything granted it was a short amount of time and frankly that was something to worry about.

But I wasn't gonna let it ruin the rest of this mini vacation before we had to head home.

"Now this is the best sight I've seen all day."

I felt Chris wrap his arms around my waist. I smiled, I turned around and cupped his face and pulled him in for a kiss. When we pulled away I could see Chris was exhausted.

"You look tired baby."

"I am. I'm glad we are staying in tonight cause tomorrow is gonna be full. So how bout we order some room service and just veg out and watch some tv till we both fall asleep." he said

"Sounds like the best idea ever."

I smiled at Chris and watched him go into the suite's living room and ordered up some food. We put on a movie and settled in for the night.

I was actually into the movie, I was sitting up and Chris was laying back in bed. I was about to say something to him when I turned around and saw he had fallen asleep. I smiled, he looked so cute when he slept, his mouth was open slightly, his arm tucked behind his head. I couldn't help but smile.

I got off the bed and cleaned up dinner. Once I was done I grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to just under his chin. I looked at his sleeping and thought.

"I'm so lucky to have you, I love you." I said leaning down and kissing him on the forehead.

I grabbed the book I had been reading off the night table and settled in myself.

The next day was premiere day and the red carpet.

Chris was up bright and early, he had radio and press with Ana but i decided to stay behind and get ready and meet him at the red carpet.

After I woke up and showered it was time to get dressed and head to the red carpet. When I got there I saw all the fans gathering and waiting for everyone to arrive.

I was met by one of Janey's assistants since she couldn't make it this trip.

"Hello Mrs Evans I'm Britney I'll be with you this afternoon." she said

"Hi Britney and please call me Lisa. Wow." was all I could say.

"Well Mr Evans and miss DeArmas are wrapping up photos with the cast so why don't we head over." she said

Britney led me over to where the photos were being taken.

When I got there I saw how handsome Chris looked and Ana wow she looked drop dead gorgeous as she always does. Ana was the first one to see me and waved, she tapped Chris on the shoulder for him to turn around.

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