Chapter 104

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It's been a couple weeks since i made Chris leave, I'm not sure where he is or if he's even in Boston, i feel so lost without him all i have here is dodger but it's just not the same.

I've been trying to fill my days with things but I just can't stop thinking about Chris, the other night I was lying in bed trying to sleep when I remembered something.


It was a cold, snowy night in Boston. I was sick in bed trying not to cough up my lung when Chris came in with some tea.

"How ya feeling babe." he said

"Ugh like an elephant is playing football with my lung, thank you sweetie." I said taking a sip.

"How is it, not to much honey." he said

"It's perfect thank you." I said looking over at the window. "Still snowing, I see."

"Yeah, news said we might reach a foot of snow by tomorrow morning." he said

"Wow." I said, then I started to cough really badly.

Chris rushed into the bathroom for some water, he came back out handing me the water. Chris felt my forehead.

"You are burning up." he said, grabbing a cold washcloth and placing it on my forehead.

"Hmm that feels good." i said

He walked over to the dresser and came back with my meds.

"Here take these and i want you to get so sleep ok, I'll come back and check on you later." he said

"Will you stay with me? I can't sleep unless your next to me." i said

I could hear him laugh a little.

"Of course," he said.

He got under the covers with me and I snuggled into him, his arms around me holding me tight.

I felt him kiss the top of my head and whisper I love you.

I soon drifted off to sleep. As sick as I was, I knew I had Chris there with me taking care of me.

End flashback

I just feel so lost without him here, but until he can see how I'm feeling and what I've been going through i just can't have him here, he wants to bring up the past and the good times we had.

But that person, that woman he married and fell in love with may never come back and that is scaring me. I don't know how to come back from that.

Later that night I sat and stared at the TV not really paying any attention to it, I was deep in my thoughts when I heard the doorbell ring. Since I didn't want to see anyone I looked at the doorbell cam and saw it was Scott.

"Sis I know your in there, just let me in, I can stay here all night but you and i both know I'll start getting annoying." he said

He was right, he can get annoying, I got up, walked over to the door and let him in.

"Scott, what do you want? Chris isn't here."

"I know he's been camping in my guest room for a couple weeks, so you wanna tell me what the hell happened cause my brother is just so full of info." he said sarcastically.

When Scott said Chris was at his place, i felt some relief that he was ok.

"He's at your place. Is he ok."

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