Chapter 30

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Chris's POV

The next morning I figured I would let Lisa sleep in since we were up most of the night. If ya catch my drift.

I was in the kitchen making breakfast when there was a knock on the front door. I turned off the stove and answered it.

"Good morning."

"Hey Maci, where's Scott." I said

"He's back at the house, he let me use his car, so where's Lisa." She said,

"She's still in bed."

"Still in bed it's 10 in the morning. Did you screw her into a coma?" Maci said.

"Why don't you take this up to her and I'll bring the rest of this up." I said handing her coffee for Lisa.

"Ok don't answer me, I'll just ask her." She said smiling and heading up to the bedroom.

All I could do was laugh. Maci was that one friend that didn't hold no matter what the situation was.

Lisa's POV

I peaked to see the sunlight coming through the closed curtains. I rolled over to feel Chris's side of the bed cold.

I heard a knock on the bedroom door.

"Good morning sleepy head."

"Maci. What are you doing here?"

"I've brought coffee, I think you need it." Maci said winking.

"Maci don't." I said sipping the coffee.

"What, it's 10 in the morning and your still in bed and by the looks of you, your naked under those blankets. Did you and your love boy have fun last night?" Maci asked.

I just smiled at her.

"Maci, I love you."

"And i love you too, hey can i ask you something." Maci said

"Sure, can you grab that shirt on the chair over there?" I asked.

She picked it up and handed it to me and I put it on.

"When this trip is over do you think maybe you can come back to New York with me. Please don't take what I say the wrong way." Maci said

"Maci what's wrong."

"It's just i miss you. And don't get me wrong I love that your so in love with Chris and that he makes you happy but I miss my best friend. Your either in Boston or here in LA and well it was always just us before Chris came along. And i am in no way jealous of Chris i love Chris i love that he makes you smile, he makes you happy, he's an amazing guy and let's be honest you've had your fair share of dopes in your life but Chris he treats you like a queen and i love seeing that." Maci said

"Maci, I didn't know you felt this way. I'm sorry I've been so wrapped up in my own life that I've neglected you, some friend I am."

"Lisa i didn't say this just to make you feel bad, it's just been something I've been thinking about." Maci said.

"Come here you." I said holding my arms out.

Maci moved over to hug me and we just ended up snuggling.

"Do you remember when the heat went out in our apartment that first winter in New York and we snuggled under 5 blankets just to keep warm."

"I think it was like 10 blankets plus 6 pairs of socks and heavy pj's and we still couldn't get warm." Maci said.

"Thank god your mom gave you that electric blanket, that saved our lives."

"Yeah it did." Maci said.

"Am I interrupting cuddle time ladies." Chris said.

"Yes you are. But it's ok. Looks like someone is getting breakfast in bed, geez just because it's your birthday you think you can get treated like a queen. The nerve of some people." Maci said smiling.

Chris set the tray of food in front of me. And Maci was about to walk out of the bedroom.

"Hey maci there is extra food if your hungry help yourself." Chris said.

"Thanks, I think I will." She said.

I just couldn't help but think about what Maci said. Was I really putting my relationship with Chris ahead of my friendship with maci.

"I hope your hungry. Hey what's wrong." Chris asked.

"Am I a horrible friend?"

"What. I don't understand." He said

"Well maci just said that she misses me, she misses that I'm not in new York anymore. Chris, please don't take what I say wrong, but I've been so wrapped up in us that I've neglected my friendship with maci. I feel like the worst friend ever." I said

"Hey come on now, your not a bad friend, if anything I'm a bad boyfriend, i just haven't wanted to share you with anyone, so how about this after this trip why don't you go back to new York with maci and spend some much needed bestie time with her." He said.

"You really mean it."

"Yeah, besides when the week is over i have to start work on a new project and I'm gonna be doing voice overs. And i think you would have more fun with maci in new York than sitting here alone all day and most of the night. And I'll even pay for a rock star spa treatment for you & maci. How's that sound?" He said.

I took the tray of food and placed it on the floor and jumped on Chris and peppered him with kisses.

"You are the most amazing, wonderful, caring and sweet man I have ever met. I love you so much." I said

"I love you too. Now come on eat up we've got a big day planned. It's Disney day we need to get a move on." Chris said, kissing me.

He picked up the tray and placed it on my lap so I could eat. I popped a piece of fruit in my mouth and smiled as he left the room. I couldn't believe that I had him in my life.

Chris's POV

After what Lisa told me I felt kinda bad so I headed to the kitchen.

"Chris this is amazing, you know if this acting thing doesn't work out i think you could be a chef." Maci said

"Thanks, hey can we talk."

"Sure." Maci said.

"I'm sorry if I've been hogging Lisa all to myself. I don't like to share." I said laughing.

"Look i didn't mean to come off as a bitch or greedy it's just it was me and Lisa for so long before anyone came along, After Jacob i didn't think she would ever find anyone, but every guy that came into her life just wasn't right for her, as you know she told them about what happened with Jacob and they would run but when she met you i saw a light, a spark in her eyes that i have never seen before and i knew in my heart that you were the right guy for her, and well yes i miss her but i would much rather her be happy and in love that sitting home miserable or buried in whatever project she gets into. Chris she's like a sister, no she is my sister and you being in her life has really opened her up to so many things. I'm grateful that you came into her life." Maci said.

"Well I'm grateful she's in my life and not only did i get a great girlfriend but i also think i got a great friend too." I said.

"Oh you big softie, bring it in." Maci said.

I just laughed and hugged her. And then I got the best idea.

"Hey maci, i asked Scott to help but i want you to help too."

"Help with what." Maci said.

"A surprise for Lisa's birthday, so here's what I wanna do."

I told my plan to Maci and she was on board.

Now all i needed to do was get Lisa and the group to Disney and have a fun day and i hope an even better night.

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