Chapter 33

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A few days later, Maci and I walked around the fashion district looking in all the stores that carried wedding dresses.

"Maci, we've been at this for 3 hours and I can't find a thing. What am I gonna do?"

"I think I have an idea." Maci grabbed my hand and dragged me to the fabric store.

"Maci what are we doing at a fabric store."

"Just leave it to me, Bobbie, Bobbie are you here." Maci called out for someone named Bobbie.

"Kitten, where the hell have you been."

"I've been around you know me. Bobbie Thomas this is my best friend Lisa and she is getting married in May." Maci said, showing him my ring.

"WOO baby look at that rock, let me guess wall street groom. No no oil tycoon oh better yet athlete." Bobbie asked.

"No sir, none of those,she's marrying an actor, A very famous actor." Maci said

"An actor, can I ask the lucky dog's name or is it hush hush." Bobbie asked.

I just nodded that it was ok for Maci to tell him.

"Ever heard of Captain America." Maci said

"Get out of here, well no wonder your glowing, I've gotta ask, now you can tell this gay queen to bug off i won't be offended. But i gotta know, hows the sex cause a guy like that looks like he knows how to use his equipment." Bobbie asked, holding my hand.

I looked at Maci and smirked.

"Well Bobbie, I'm usually not one to kiss and tell but I'll tell ya this yes he knows how to use his equipment and he knows how to use it well, if ya catch my drift." I said winking at him

We all just laughed.

"Oh my let a girl cool off, ok now details, when's the wedding." He asked.

"May 15th."

"Where." He asked.

"At his place in LA on the beach."

"Reception." He asked.

"In the backyard of his place in LA."

"Ok so you'll need a drop dead smoking hot dress for the ceremony and something fun for the reception. I think I have the perfect idea. Let me get your measurements and draw some stuff up for you and we'll take it from there." Bobbie said.

"Bobbie, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to pay you."

"Hmmm How about an invite." Bobbie said

"Bobbie you can be my plus one." Maci said.

"Deal. Bobbie, thank you so much for doing this."

"Honey you won't be disappointed now you guys get out of here and let this diva work her magic." Bobbie said.

After we left Bobbie's shop, Maci and I headed to pick up some food and head back to the apartment.

"Ok i have to know, how on earth did you meet him."

"Well Bobbie came into the bar one night and he was just so sad. He had just broken up with his boyfriend and we just hit it off and he told me if I ever needed anything he would do it for me." Maci said

"Maci you are a lifesaver, But how do you know, he's any good."

"Do you remember that New Year's Eve party a couple years ago with that black dress? He made that" Maci said, taking a bite of her sushi.

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