The Big Interview Ch2

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As I was getting mic'd up my producer Shelly came over to me and handed me a piece of paper.

"What's this."

"Harry said you need to ask him these questions." Shelly said

I looked over the paper and saw what Harry wanted me to ask Chris and frankly my face turned 3 different shades of red.

"He's got to be kidding me." I mumbled under my breath.

"Alright lisa you ready." My director Ken asked.

I shook my head yes and heard the countdown.

"And in 5..4..3...2..1."

"Hello New York I'm Lisa Anderson and Welcome to the Hollywood spotlight where I sit down with Hollywood's brightest stars and ask the hard hitting questions that you want answers to. Today I'm honored and excited to be sitting down with none other than Captain America himself Chris Evans. Chris thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to be with us today."

"The pleasure is all mine." Chris said.

"Ok first question how has your life changed since being Captain America."

"Growing up i always knew i wanted to be an actor but when i got the role for Captain America it was like a dream come true. When I first put on that suit and held that shield I felt like I just jumped from the comic book to silver screen. It was an amazing ride." He said.

"And what are you gonna miss the most about your Captain America/Avenger days."

"Wow oh probably the comradery, I've made some awesome friends while filming those movies." He said

"Do you still keep in touch with anyone from the films."

"Yeah i still talk with Robert Downey Jr and Chris Hemsworth." He said

His smile was lighting up the room. All I could do was stare at him. And think how insanely sexy he is.

"Now that the Avengers and Captain America are behind you, what's next for Chris evans."

"Umm well right now i'm nyc for a movie i'm gonna be filming in the next couple weeks everything is still to be finalized." he said

"Can you give us a hint on what it's about."

"It's a story about lost love and what happens when you find that lost love but everything has changed." He said.

"Awesome now before I let you go I've got some rapid fire questions to ask you if that's ok with you."

"Fire away." He said shifting in his seat.

"Great ok Do you prefer candle lit dinners or Netflix and chill."

"Oh wow I'm a romantic but sometimes i'd love to just netflix and chill." He said.

I smiled pushing some hair behind my ear.

"After a night out with a special someone do you give a peck on the cheek or go in for the full goodnight kiss."

"Now that's a great question. Honestly it depends on how the date went. If it went just ok then a peck on the cheek but if the date went amazing and she's smiling and i'm smiling then i go for a long slow goodnight kiss." He said.

"So the kinda kiss that would make your toes curl up."

"The very same." He said smiling at me.

"Last one now this is kinda personal."

"Give it to me." He said

Before I spoke I was biting my lip.

"Chris Evans, do you wear Pjs to bed or sleep in the nude." I said blushing like I was on fire.

He smiled, licked his lips and said.

"I sleep in the nude. The way fresh sheets feel on a naked body is just refreshing." He said, giving me the naughtiest glare.

"Chris thank you so much for this interview today it's been a real pleasure."

"Like I said the pleasure is all mine." He said taking my hand and shaking it.

"Well that's gonna do it for the Hollywood spotlight i'm lisa anderson and thanks for stopping by."

"And we are out." My director said.

After we stopped rolling I got up as did chris.

"Thanks again Mr Evans for doing this today i really appreciate it."

"No problem and please call me chris." He said.

I just smiled at him.

"Well I have to be going it was very nice to meet you Lisa." He said taking my hand and kissing it.

"My pleasure Chris." I said locking eyes with him.

A few moments later I was walking out of the room feeling like I was floating on air.

When I turned the corner I saw Maci sitting in the lobby.

"So don't keep me in suspense about who you interviewed." Maci asked.

"Oh my god Maci, I just interviewed captain america."

"Are you fucking kidding me you were in the same room as Chris Evans damn i hate you so much right now." Maci said.

After she said that my smile faded.

"Oh honey i'm sorry i didn't mean it that way." Maci said

"No, that's not why my smile faded. After the interview I saw Harry talking to Chris and it didn't look good. I think I might have blown my shot at being an interviewer."

Maci frowned at me and hugged me.

"Come on let's go home and order in pizza and binge watch Gilmore Girls." Maci said.

I nodded my head and walked out to the car with Maci.

I really hoped i was wrong but in my heart i knew i blew it big time.

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