Chapter 83

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(good morning, good afternoon and good evening where ever you might be in the world, So chapter 83 it's here for your viewing pleasure and yes seggy's time. Ok so ch84 might take some time cause i wanna get it right. SO here ya go guys Ch83 :) Enjoy)

2 weeks later

These last 2 weeks have been amazing, Chris and i have been hold up in the house cause the weather well it got horrific and when i saw horrific i mean , thunder,lightning and really bad rain, we even lost power for a couple days but we didn't care this was the first real vacation Chris and i have had since everything had happened.

One morning I was still in bed when I rolled over and felt Chris's side of the bed was cold.

I sat up and looked at the clock on the side table.

"Hmm 7am I really wish he wasn't an early riser." I said getting out of bed and putting on my robe.

When I opened the door I smelled something that was just heavenly. I headed down the stairs and into the kitchen and I saw Chris standing in front of the stove, and he was cooking.

"Well good morning my love." He said coming over to me and kissing me.

"What smells so good."

"That would be the French toast, and the turkey bacon, my famous pesto eggs, the fresh coffee and freshly made cinnamon butter for the French toast." He said

"Ok who are you and what have you done with my husband."

"Hey I'll have you know i can cook i just choose to only cook for special people." He said

"Oh and am i, a special person?" I said putting my arms around his waist.

"You are a very special person indeed. Now go sit and I'll dish everything out." He said

I went over to the table and he brought me over some coffee.

"So what do you wanna do today." He said

"Well what can we do that we haven't already done."

"The weather is nice for a change, we can go for a walk on the trail behind the house." He said

"That sounds good. Ok I'll clean up and then go change."

"Nope ,I'll clean and you go change." He said

"Baby you cooked, i should clean up breakfast."

"No arguing, now go on upstairs and get changed." He said kissing my nose.

I giggled and headed up to get changed.

When I came back down Chris was already dressed and ready to go. We headed out the back and down the trail that led us from the house down a path to a scenic look out.

"Oh wow this view is gorgeous." I said pulling my camera out of my bag and taking some pictures, when I looked over at Chris he was looking at the view and I decided to snap a couple of pictures.

I looked at the pictures I just took and just smiled.

"Hey what's got you all smiley." He said

"My handsome husband and thinking how hot he looks."

He smiled at me,pulled me close to him and passionately kissed me. We were so lost in each other when we were interrupted by a phone ringing.

"A cell phone, how are you getting a signal out here?"

"Must be because were out in the open."He said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "It's scott." He said


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