Chapter 76

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(ok people wow i am just blown away but all the comments and the votes it really does help with the writers block, so like i said in previous post i have no idea what I'm saying when it comes to medical conditions LoL but anyway  enough stalling here is chapter 76.)

I don't know how long Chris was holding me, all I knew was I didn't want him to stop. It had been so long since I felt his arms around me, protecting me, rubbing my back reassuring me that things would be ok.

But would they.

"Are you mad at me?"

"What, no I can't be mad at you. I just wish you would have told me about the dreams." He said

"I know, I just didn't wanna burden you with all this. I thought I could take care of it myself, boy was I wrong."

"Hey, I don't want you to ever think your burden on me or anyone else. I love you and i wanna help you get through this." he said

"I love you too, and I'm sorry. I think I'm gonna be apologizing to a lot of people for the foreseeable future."

"Well you don't have to say sorry to me cause i forgive you, i just want you to try and god there's no easy way to word this." he said

"You want me to be myself again. And I promise that I will try my hardest to be the woman you married."

"No. The woman I fell in love with, the one that after the first time we made love I said I love you." He said.

I could feel the tears again.

"Baby I didn't say that to make you cry," he said.

"I'm not crying because of something you said. I'm crying because for the first time in so long I'm happy, of course I'm sitting in a hospital room telling a shrink that I heard voices. How crazy is that?"

"Honestly I think crazy chick are kinda hot." He said

"Oh yeah you would." I said, leaning my forehead against his.

"Is it ok to come in?"

"Yeah Megan it's fine."

"So how ya feeling after we talked." she asked.

"Emotionally drained and I really wanna go home." I said

"And where is home?" Megan said

I turned and looked at Chris and smiled.

"Boston. I think it would be good to be around family, plus i really miss dodger."

Chris and I both smiled.

"Well I've got your release papers right here all that has to be done is for you to sign them and you can go home. But when you get back to Boston you are to take 2 weeks for just yourself. No family, no friends, no work, nothing." Megan said

"What alone, you mean Chris can't be with me?."

"Yes. this is the first exercise on your road back, it's an exercise i do with my clients, it helps them get re-acclimated to their surroundings." Megan said

"Wait, so I can't be around anyone, even Chris. How is that re-acclimating me back from what I've been going through, I thought being around family would help."

"You need to be in an environment with no distractions, as crappy as this sounds Chris and the family are a big distraction, sorry Chris but you and the family are part of the reason Lisa had her breakdown. Your mind is a jumbled mess of events and we need to reduce those events and get you back to the way you were." Megan said

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