Chapter 51

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The next morning I heard Chris's alarm clock go off.

"Hmm what time is it?" I said

"It's 5 am, go back to sleep, I'm gonna shower." He said, kissing my forehead.

I just grunted and rolled over. A little bit later Chris came in to say goodbye.

"Hmm hey."

"Hey, I made some coffee and got some bagels for you. When are you going over to hang out with maci." he said, playing with my hair.

"Not till after lunch, will you be home for dinner." I said caressing his face.

"Not sure, It might be a late night." He said

"Ok. Have good day baby."

"Thank you i love you." He said kissing my cheek.

"I love you to." I said watching him leave, than i decided to go back to sleep.

Later much later that morning i woke up to a cold nose on my face.

"Dodger your not supposed to be on the bed. Who let you in here huh." I said as dodger laid his head on the pillow next to me.

All I could do was laugh.

"Hmm you just wanna snuggle huh. Ok you can stay but only until i get dressed." He licked my face and rolled over.

After i got dressed dodger and i headed to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee. On the kitchen table was a pile of cards from the wedding.

"Wow I'm gonna need help going through these. Maybe i can persuade maci to come over here."

I was about to call here when their was a knock on the door.

"Special delivery."

"MACI. I was just about to call you." I said hugging her.

"I come bearing a gift to the old married lady. Some toys if you know what i mean, to spice up the bedroom." She said handing me a basket of goodies.

"Well i don't have a problem their." I said winking at her.

After i put the basket down on the floor she hugged the life out of me.

"Oh i have missed you so much. I wanna hear all about the honeymoon and don't skip the juicy stuff." Maci said

"Ok but you need to help me with something first. I have a stack of card to go through so work than honeymoon story."

"Got any coffee." Maci asked.

"It's a good thing Chris made a fresh pot before he left." I said getting up to get her a cup.

"God i love that husband of your." She said taking the cup from me.

"Also we get to open up all the presents we got from the wedding guest."

"Happy Christmas to me. Ok so what should we start on first." Maci asked.

"Gifts first. So let's go."

It took us a couple hours to get through all the gift and the cards.

"Oh maci thank you so much this would have taken me 2 days to get through."

"That's what I'm here for I take my maid of honor duties very serious even though the wedding is over i am still numero uno. Now tell me all about the honeymoon." she said

I connected my phone to the TV show she could see the pictures i took.

"Well first we went to Paris and than of course had to go to Disneyland Paris and frankly it's just like the Disneyland here except everyone speaks french."

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