Chapter 106

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(Fair warning people there is a lot of smut in this chapter so i hope you enjoy it.)

Chris's POV

The next morning I woke up remembering what happened the night before and I smiled.

In the middle of the night I managed to get off the couch without waking Lisa up. I decided to take her up to the bedroom so she could be more comfortable.

Once I got her up and into bed I sat there and watched her, I thought about how much she's been through, I never really understood just how much pain and agony she had built up.

Now I know that I need to be there when she needs me, I can't let my work life take over my private life and the well being of my wife again.

When I woke up I looked down and saw Lisa snuggled up to me and it made my heart swell with happiness.

I kissed her head and quietly got out of bed and headed downstairs. When I got down I heard my phone going off. I grabbed it out of my jacket pocket and saw it was Scott.


"Well good morning, where have you been? I've been trying to call you all night. Are you alright?" He said

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm at home."

"Home your home. Really." He said

"Yeah it's a long story but Lisa and I talked last night and one thing led to another and I think we're gonna be ok. It's gonna be a long road but we're gonna be ok."

"Chris, that's awesome. So does that mean your not crashing in my guest room anymore?" He said

"I think so but I don't wanna rush things, one day at a time."

"Sounds good bro. I just wanted to let ya know I'm heading out of town for a couple weeks." He said

"Ok. Have fun, I'll see ya when you get back."

After I hung up with Scott I headed into the kitchen to make Lisa some breakfast. When I was done I placed everything on the tray and headed up to the bedroom.

When I got in and saw her cuddled up to my pillow I couldn't help but smile. I set the tray down and kneeled down next to the bed and kissed her forehead causing her to stir.

"Hmm. Chris." She said with a smile on her face.

"Good morning."

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming that your really here with me." She said

I placed my hand on her cheek and softly kissed her lips. When I pulled away she had her hand on mine.

"Did that feel like a dream?."

That's when I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"Hey are those happy tears."

"Yeah. I was so scared I had lost you. I didn't know what I would have done if I didn't have you in my life." she said

"Hey." I said standing up and sitting on the bed pulling her up so she was facing me. "You will never lose me, we made vows for better or worse."

"We had more worse than better." she said

"And when we had better days there were great days, but we can't dwell on the past, we need to make new memories, new better days, and starting today we are shutting off the world. One whole weekend just you and me, no phone calls, no trips, just us, we can do whatever you want."

"Anything I want." she said

"Anything you want."

"Well what i want is for you to take off those clothes and get back in bed with me." she said, running her thumb over my bottom lip.

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