Chapter 67

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Chris's POV

It's been a couple hours since Lisa woke up, her doctor has been running tests.

After everyone left and it was just me and her I walked over to her bedside pulled a chair over, sat down and grabbed her hand.

"Hi." She said weakly.

"Hi beautiful."

"Beautiful, I don't dare look in a mirror right now." she smiled.

"Your the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time."

"How long have I been out?" she asked.

"A while. But let's not talk about that right now. How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been hit by a truck. What happened, how did I end up here?" she asked.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Umm the thing i remember was being in a hotel, in new York i think. I was umm there because you had a press tour for your new movie, i came back from somewhere, I feel like I'm missing huge pieces of my memory." She said putting her hand on her forehead.

"Hey it's ok, don't get yourself upset, it'll come to you. But for now you just need to rest and get better."

"Yeah." She said, touching my face.

I closed my eyes. I haven't felt her touch in so long. I welcomed it.

"Ok you need to get some sleep."

"Can you get in bed with me?" She asked.

"Yes I can." I said getting in bed with her being easy not to hurt her.

I put my arm gently behind her head and watched her snuggle into me, I smiled and felt myself relax for the first time in months.

It's been a couple weeks since Lisa woke up and she is getting restless and frankly so am i. I hate seeing her confined to the hospital bed. She's still recovering.

"Ugh when can I go home? I hate it here. I miss my bed, I miss real food, this hospital food I wouldn't feed to dodger." She said

"Honey I know your frustrated but you need to relax."

"Relax, I can't relax here. Hospitals aren't a good place for relaxation." She said

All i could do was smile, she was trying so hard to relax but i could tell her anxiety was through the roof, and so was mine.

"Hey listen to me, I'll make you a deal if you can relax for one hour I'll sneak you in some real food."

"A whole hour." She asked

"Yes, a whole hour, no complaining, no worrying and no trying to get out of bed and escape. You have to stay here with me and relax. And if you do, I'll get you the greasiest, juiciest cheeseburger you've ever seen."

"Fries too." She said

"Yes, fries too."

"And a vanilla milkshake." She said

"Yes and a milkshake." i said smiling

"You've got a deal Evans. But what can I do to relax? I know one thing we can do but I don't think the doctor would like that very much." she said, caressing my cheek.

"As much as I would love to do our relaxing exercise lord knows I've missed that, you still need to take it easy. So I went to the store and got you something." I said, handing her a bag.

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