Chapter 90

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(hey guys I'm sorry it's taking me so long to get chapter's out, I'm just not doing that great, I've had some writers block and forcing myself to write is just making me question my stories. I got so blocked on this story i wrote 2 chapter to a new story that I'm not even sure I'm gonna post. But here is CH 90 and I'll try to get some more out again I'm sorry. So this chapter has some seggy's time and get some tissues cause i think you'll need them :) )

A few days later Chris and I were in LA for the red carpet premiere of The Gray Man. We decided to get to LA a few days before the premiere just so we didn't have to run around.

I was in the bedroom reading when Chris came in from his run.

"Hey baby, how was your run?"

"Hot, it's like an oven out there." He said giving me a kiss.

"If you think it's hot now, wait till we get to Berlin. I just read they have a heatwave coming on in the next couple days."

"Yikes. Ok well I need a shower and then we can get some dinner." He said

I just nodded and smiled.

I got out of bed, got dressed and headed downstairs and get some coffee.

I grabbed a cup out of the dishwasher and poured myself a cup. When I turned around I saw Maci's urn sitting on the counter.

"Oh wow, i forgot all about you, I'm sorry maci, with everything that's been going on i forgot."

I stood there looking at it when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Oh god honey you scared me."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said

"With everything we've been doing i forgot about what i wanna do with her."

"Well since we've got a couple days before the premiere how about i take you to that place i told you about." he said

"I would love that."

After we had breakfast I went to get dressed, but not before I made a phone call.

"Hey Sebastian here can't talk right now so leave what you gotta say and i'll try and get back to you."

"Hey seb it's Lisa, listen i know the last time we talked i told you that i wanted to scatter Maci's ashes and it would mean a lot to me if you could come. I'll text you the address I hope you can make it." I said ending the call.

A day later Chris took me to a spot that was perfect for what I wanted to do. I texted seb in hopes he would be there but i didn't hear back so i guess it was just gonna be me and Chris.

"Wow this place is beautiful."

"Yeah when I first came to LA I was walking on the beach and I found this place and I sat here for hours." Chris said

"Ok umm is it ok if i say something."

"Sure baby, say whatever you want." he said

I took a deep breath.

"Well maci it's finally over that bastard got what he deserved, i wish i could see you right now, to see your face when the verdict came down, i know you would have had the biggest shit eating grin on your face. Just like time i told you that i punch Jordan from the keg stand when he was on a date with me and making out with patty Kemper, i broke 2 fingers on that hand, i was in a cast all summer but you made it fun, I just wanna see your smile one more time. I just wanna hear your laugh or hear you cuss out a drunk or just talk to you, pop some popcorn, turn on Netflix, crack open a bottle of that cheap gross wine and just veg out on couch and just joke at the movie we were watching and think, that shit would never happen us, but when it did happen to me you were my biggest supporter. There were times i doubted myself, thinking why does Chris love me, why me, I'm not a movie star or a model I'm just me, you would tell me, he doesn't see you that way, he sees the real you, and if he doesn't I'll make him see the real you. Maci, i love you, i feel better knowing that your my well i won't call you an angel cause you were far from an angel, I'm glad knowing you're looking out for me, I miss you so much. I love you." I said, wiping the tears from my face.

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