Chapter 118

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(Hey guys sorry this is taking me so long to get something posted, life is getting in the way and so is a annoying case of writers block. But here is chapter 118 enjoy it.)

Lisa's POV

I could hear the sounds of the hospital, the nurses calling doctors over the loudspeaker, the hustle and bustle of everyone doing their jobs.

I didn't even know i had fallen asleep, and i guess Chris moved me over to the couch in the waiting room, i sat up and stretched out all the kinks from my neck, when i looked at my watch i saw it was after 1am, we have been at the hospital since yesterday morning.

I looked to my right and saw Chris with his feet propped up on the table and his head leaned against the back of the chair he was in.

I stood up and tried to stretch the kinks out of my body, I walked over to where there was some coffee, I poured myself a cup and headed back to where Chris was still sleeping.

When I sat down Chris woke up.

"Hmm hey." he said


"Any word yet." he asked.

"No, nothing."

He grabbed my hand and held it. I was about to say something when I saw Kelly coming towards us.

"Kelly, how's Carly and the baby?"

"Carly is fine, she had some heavy bleeding but we were able to stop it." Kelly said

"And what about the baby?" Chris asked

Kelly just looked at us and my stomach dropped.

"Kelly please don't."

"Oh god honey no, the baby is in the nicu, she's very small and right now is in an incubator." Kelly said

"She, it's a girl. We have a girl." i said

Chris just smiled as best he could.

"When can we see her?" I asked.

"Well like i said she's in the NICU, so you won't be able to see her till morning. Why don't you guys go spend some time with Carly? She should be in her room now." Kelly said

We thanked Kelly and headed down to Carly's room, when we got in their she was in bed asleep, i walked over and held her hand.

"Hmm, hey sis." Carly said

"Hey, how ya feeling."

"Like I've been hit by a bus but other than that i could run a marathon." she said trying to smile.

"Like you've ever ran a marathon." Chris said

"You shush. How's the baby, is the baby ok." she asked.

"Yes the baby is ok." Chris said

"Well, are you gonna keep me in suspense, was it a boy or a girl." Carly asked.

"A girl. You gave us a girl, Carly. I don't know how I'm ever gonna repay you for this."

"I love you sis, I would do it all over again." Carly said

Carly had fallen asleep from the meds she was on, so we decided to stay in the room with her and get some sleep ourselves, Chris was in the chair next to Carly's bed and i was on the sofa, but there was no way i was sleeping, all i wanted to do was go see my little girl.

I laid there and stared at the ceiling, I have a daughter, we have a daughter, a little baby girl to call our own.

I closed my eyes and thought about all the things we would do together, sitting in the yard watching her play with dodger, taking her to her first red Soxs game, to celebrate all her first.

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