Chapter 119

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(Hey all thanks for the votes on the last chapter, just wanted to say thanks and let you all know that this story is coming to a close, yep i've loved writing this, but no worries i'm trying to get back into my other story i have on here but i also have one already written but just trying to find a name and a cute cover art for it. But my full focus in on this story first so enjoy.)

Lisa's POV

The days are just flying by.

Some Good, some bad and some just horribly bad.

Baby girl would have her good days, she would gain some weight.

Her bad days she would spike a fever.

And on this day in particular, this was a really horrible day.

One gloomy afternoon I was sitting in the spot I've been in since she was born. I was reading her a children's book. The nurses said reading to her would help, I was skeptical but I did it to pass the time.

"And the prince rescued the fair maiden from the tallest tower and they lived happily ever after. You know i never used to believe in these fairy tales, until one day i met my knight in shining armor, your daddy saved my life, he gave me a reason to love and be loved, and I know whenever your sad or scared he's gonna be there to save you too. We love you so much baby girl."

I could feel the tears streaming down my face. That's all I've been doing is crying, i couldn't help it i just want her to be ok.

"Hey mommy, just came to check on little miss." Nurse brown said

I watched her check her numbers and all the machines she's been hooked up to.

"How's she doing."

"Everything looks good, so I see she doesn't have a name plate yet." Nurse Brown asked.

"Oh yeah, I just haven't been able to do one yet."

"I see, Mrs Evans I think the reason you haven't been able to give her name is that you might be a little scared. Am I right." she said

I looked up at nurse brown and felt my body shake.

"Mrs Evans I've been a nurse for a very long time and I've seen things that i wish i didn't see, I've seen parents just like you so scared to give their child a name, cause they didn't know if their child would live, but in my honest opinion i think this little lady needs name, now I'm not trying to push you but i think giving her name may help not just her but you as well." she said

I watched the nurse leave, i still had the packet that nurse brown gave me, i pulled out the card and the markers and sat their and thought about names, we hadn't really talked about names yet.

I went through a list of names in my head, but one name kept coming up so I wrote it on the card and placed it on the front of her incubator. I sat back down in my chair and watched her like i always did, i felt my eyes begin to get heavy, i laid my head back and fell asleep.

Chris's POV

I got back to the hospital after I was home picking up some stuff for Lisa like a change of clothes and some books she might wanna read to herself or the baby.

When I got to the hospital I ran into Nurse Brown and she filled me in on what was going on with baby girl. Hmm we really should give her a name, i know Lisa's been scared to do so but maybe i can't convince her to give sweet girl a name.

Don't get me wrong i love calling her baby girl and princess but giving her a name might be what we all need.

When I headed into the room I looked over and saw Lisa sleeping. I think this is the first time she's slept in awhile but when i got to the incubator I noticed something and it made me smile.

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