Chapter 78

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(Hello all, so I've been feeling bad lately and i haven't wanted to post a new chapter cause well I've gotten a couple comments that were a little negative, and i don't do well with negative, so i kinda got down on myself and stopped so I've been thinking of deleting the whole story and just giving up. Not sure what i should do. well here's ch 78 i hope you enjoy.)

I went into Chris's office to make the call. I dialed the number and waited.


"Can I speak to Detective Martin please."

"One moment please."

I only waited a minute when he picked up.

"Detective Martin."

"Detective Martin , it's Lisa Evans."

"Mrs Evans, it's good to hear from you, how are you?" He said

"I'm ok. Um Detective, I need to ask you something."

"Of course Mrs Evans, anything you need I'll be glad to help you." He said

"Would there be a way for me to see Jacob McHenry?"

"Mrs Evans, I don't think that's a very good idea." He said

"Detective, I've been through hell. I'm not sleeping well and I'm having nightmares about him. My therapist tells me I need closure and I think he's one of the chapters in my life I need closed, so can you help me."

"I'll see what i can do." He said

"Thank you. I'll call you when I get to New York. Detective thank you for helping me."

"Don't thank me yet. I still think this is a bad idea." He said

"It could very well be but I just need to see him. Again thank you." I said hanging up with the detective.

I went back in the living room and saw Megan sitting on the couch playing with dodger.

"Well how did it go?" She asked.

"He's gonna see what he can do. I need to pack. Your more than welcome to come with me."

"I think i better, Let me just go to my place and pack a bag." Megan said

After Megan left I made a phone call.


"Libby, hi it's Mrs Evans."

"Oh hi Mrs Evans, what can i do for you." Libby asked.

"I was wondering if you can come over and watch dodger for a couple days. I have to go out of town on some business."

"Sure I can be over there in 15 minutes." Libby said

"Perfect, I'll see you soon."

After I hung up with Libby I thought about calling Chris. I was about to call when Megan came back.

"Hey. You ready to go." Megan said

"Should I call Chris and tell him what I'm doing?"

"Well, what do you think you should do?" Megan asked.

"I wanna call him but I'm not sure i should, but i don't wanna keep this from him."

"How about this, I'll drive and you think ok. We've got a couple hours drive ahead of us, and honestly I don't mind driving." Megan said

I just shook my head.

"Hello Mrs Evans."

"Hi Libby, come on in."

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