Chapter 102

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Lisa's POV

We spent a month in LA and it was amazing.

We would walk on the beach every morning, take dodger for walks, and have dinner under the stars every night. It was great, but like they say all good things must come to an end.

One night while watching a movie Chris got a phone call from his management team.

"It's the team I have to take this. Hello, hey what's up, nope just a little get away with the Mrs's, yeah ok, I'll call you when i get there ok, yeah see ya soon." He said hanging.

When I looked over at him his facial expression had changed.

"So what did the team want?"

"I have to go to Washington for a week, there was a drop out for the ASP panel and the team wants me there ASAP." He said

DC, when he said that my mind went back to that night that i lost the baby, my mind replayed that night over and over like it was on a constant loop.

I pushed it aside and acted my butt off.

"Wow really, so when do you leave?"

"First thing in the morning. Your more than welcome to come to DC with me but I'll be in meetings all day and maybe at night. It's up to you." he


Go with him, yeah so he can hover over me no thanks,I placed my hand on his cheek and pulled him in for a kiss.

"No,You go and be Mr ASP and I'll take dodger and go back to Boston."

He smiled and hugged me.

We both packed up and the next morning headed to the airport. Once we got back to Boston, Chris had to stay at the airport and head straight to Washington.

Once we got our bags we headed out to the waiting car that Chris had arranged to take me home. He put my luggage in the trunk and dodger jumped in the backseat with his stuffed lion.

"I wish we could have stayed in LA a little longer." He said putting his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him.

"Yeah me too, I had an amazing time with you, and I have to admit it, you were right I did need that vacation, I feel so much more relaxed and rested." I said, trying not to show that I wasn't as relaxed as I was telling him.

"Good." he said

He placed his hand on my cheek and leaned in kissing me, the kiss was soft and gentle, i didn't wanna pull away but we did.

"Promise me something." he said

"Anything." I said, staring into his crystal blue eyes.

"Keep relaxing and resting, you still need to rest. It's only been a month since you've been out of the hospital." He said caressing my cheek.

"I promise I'll rest more, promise me you won't work yourself so hard, i know you've been staying up late at night making sure I'm sleeping." I said.

Yeah staying up late watching me like a hawk making sure his fragile little wifey doesn't crack.

"Caught me huh." he said

"Yes I caught you. Make sure you make time for yourself as well. Get some sleep ok."

"I promise I will." he said, giving me another kiss.

The kiss turned passionate and we got caught up in it when we heard someone clear their throat.

"Excuse me, Mr Evans, I'm sorry to interrupt but if you wanna make your first meeting in DC then we should get going." the assistant said.

"Thank you. Well I guess I better get going. I'll miss you." he said, pulling me into his chest and hugging me tight.

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