Chapter 91

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(Wow, so writers block is no joke. But i think i'm over the hurdle i think. :) And how about the Watt pad app being down for 3 days i hope it gets fixed soon cause well i hate reading off the website itself but you gotta do what you gotta do. So here is ch91 with some seggy's time.)

After a very long flight we made it to Berlin, once we got to the hotel Chris needed to head to some media appearances for the gray man before the premiere later in the day.

Since we weren't going to be in Berlin long I didn't bother to unpack anything other than my dress for the red carpet. I was sitting in the hotel room just reading when my phone went off alerting me of a text.

When I looked at it I giggled.

Apparently Chris and Ana were bored during their media blitz for the movie and decided they would both text me.

Ana- OH MY GOD This is the most boring media thing i have ever done, UGH shot me.

Me-OH Ana I'm so sorry. Is it really that boring?

Ana- YESSSSSSS, i mean these things are usually fun but if i have to hear the same question, So what was it like working with the Russo's, how did you like working with Ryan and Chris. I'm gonna toss myself out of a moving car.

Me- NOOOOO don't do that we have a girls day planned when we get to London after the premier.

Ana- that's the only thing keeping me sane.

All i could do was laugh, i don't know how Ana or Chris can do these media tours and get asked the same question over and over again.

Another text came in and I thought it was Ana but this time it was Chris.

Hubby- Man do i wanna just run the hell out of here.

Me- Sounds like you and Ana are having the same issue

Hubby- Baby these things are just boring, it's like a broken record with the same questions.

Me- I'm sorry baby, if it's any consolation I'm bored in the hotel room. My hair and make up are done for the red carpet tonight. I'm just waiting for the time to put on my outfit.

Hubby- And I can't wait to see you in that outfit and you know what will even be better.

Me- And what would be better than seeing me in my dress later.

Hubby- Seeing you out of that dress. Wink wink.

Me- You know that doesn't surprise me. Finish your interviews and I'll see you at the premiere later.

Hubby- Can't wait. I love you. <3

Me- Love you too. <3<3

Over the next couple hours my phone was going off with text from Ana and Chris all i could do was laugh at them.

Before I knew it it was time for the premiere, since they had to do some media things I was meeting them there.

The first one I saw was Ana.

"Lisa, WOW you look incredible, I love your dress." Ana said

Lisa's Berlin Premiere Dress 

Lisa's Berlin Premiere Dress 

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