Chapter 34

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(Hey guys I'm so sorry it takes me so long to post but I've been dealing with some stuff, like family and a very bad case of writers block, but believe me i am really trying. Thanks for the votes and all the comments.)

As the season changed and the trees began to bloom it was getting closer and closer to May 15th my wedding day.

The day all my dreams come true.

It was just a lazy day in NYC. Chris was still working hard to get his voice over work he has been doing since i left LA 2 months ago done so he could have all the time in the world to celebrate our big day.

I've been back and forth on the phone and face-time with Scott planning  the wedding  and the wedding reception itself and I've been working with Bobbie on my ceremony dress and reception outfit.

"Ok Scott yeah I'll see you soon bye." I said tossing the phone on my night table and sinking into bed.

I let out a big sigh. I rolled over and reached into my night table and pulled out a photo album. I put this album together when Maci and I became close.

The first few pages are me and Maci in college, and working nights at the bar. Some parties we went to, pictures of us from our first winter in New York when the heat in the apartment went out and we had to cuddle up to keep warm.

The next couple pages were of me and Chris, ones i took of us on dates or snuggling up in bed and one i took of him as he was sleeping on the couch at his place in Boston curled up next to dodger and some Scott took of us at his 40th birthday party and the best ones of all the day he asked me to marry him.

The last few pages were pictures of my mom. One picture that i cherish the most was a picture of a trip we took to Hawaii, the sun was setting and there was a breeze i remember like it was yesterday.

I felt the tears build in my eyes, I closed them, leaned back in bed and fell asleep.

"Baby girl."


"Baby wake up."

My eyes fluttered and then opened. And when my eyes adjusted to the sunlight I was shocked to see who was sitting on the side of my bed.

"Hello my love."


I didn't know how to react, was i dreaming, was i dead i didn't know.

"What's going on, am i dead, did i die in my sleep."

"No silly girl. Your dreaming. It's ok." She said, touching my face.

I grabbed her hand and she was real.

"Oh my god mom, your real, your really here."

"Well not exactly real, I'm in your dream and you can make your dreams as real or as fake as you want them. But usually when a person is real it means you have something on your mind so tell me what's on your mind princess." she said

"I wish you were here, I'm getting married, I don't have you here with me to share it."

"Oh honey, I know about that. You've got yourself an amazing man don't you." She said

"Yeah I do. Oh mom you would love him. He's smart, he's funny, he's so family oriented."

"And the hot bod doesn't hurt either." She said

"MOM. Oh my god."

"Honey I don't want you to be sad, your wedding day is a happy day, and even though I'm not there physically I'll always be there." She said pointing to the necklace I was wearing.

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