Chapter 60

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(I've been so scared to post this. I hope its good. I've been fighting myself to post this. But here goes i just don't think it's good. Anyway there are some triggers about rape and abuse.)

Chris's POV

I took a deep breath and answered the phone.

"Hey man what's up."

"Not much just hanging out. Where are you." he asked.

"Ummm New York."

"Oh cool I'm in NYC so maybe you me and Lisa should meet up for dinner or just hang out." he said.

"Listen Sebastian, I really need to talk to you but what I have to tell you is that I need to do it face to face."

"Dude your scaring me what's going on." He said

"How fast can you get to the Waldorf."

"I can be there in 20 minutes, Chris what the hell is going on." He asked.

"Just get here ok and I'll tell you everything. I'm on the 24th floor presidential suite."

We both hung up and I waited.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door, I took a big deep breath and opened it.

"Hey man, come on in."

"Ok so what the hell is going on." Sebastian said

"There's no easy way to say this but um it's maci."

"What about her? What is she dating someone else, no wait she's engaged or she's pregnant." Sebastian said

"Sebastian, she's dead."

"What." he said shocked.

I didn't know what else to say.

"But how. I mean was she robbed, did someone break into her apartment. What happened." he asked.

"I don't know."

"Oh god Lisa must be devastated. Is she ok?" He said.

"She's missing."

"So wait, Lisa's missing and maci is dead. I don't understand. Chris what the hell is going on." He asked.

"While we were overseas on my press tour Lisa got sick so she came here, this is where the last premiere was and she wanted to spend some time with maci. And I hadn't heard from Lisa for two weeks, we talked when she got here but that was it. Before i left i called her, when i didn't hear from her i just assumed she was with maci and they were having a good time. When I got here I called again and got no answer. So I went over to Maci's apartment and that's when I found maci, dead in her bed. When the cops got there they searched the room and found Lisa's phone. She's missing, seb she's missing, she could be hurt or scared or I don't even wanna think what else could have happened to her."

"What have the cops said?" he asked.

I just shook my head no.

"Who could have done something like this? Who would kill maci and take Lisa who would be crazy enough to do that. Who would wanna hurt 2 of the most amazing women in the world." He said.

I agreed with what Sebastian was saying who would take Lisa and kill maci.

A little while later Sebastian left and told me to call him if I found anything else out.

I wish I knew something now. All I wanted to know is if Lisa is ok. I just wanna hear her voice.

My anger was getting to me. I want my wife back. I just need to know she's ok. My blood was boiling. I got so pissed off I kicked a table and knocked the stuff sitting on it all over the floor.

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