Chapter 75

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Chris's POV

When I got to the hospital I parked the car and texted Megan to see if she was there yet. Within a few minutes she said she had just pulled up to the hospital.

I told her where we were and she came over to us. I got out of the car as quietly as I could.

"Hey Chris." she said, hugging me.

"Thanks for coming."

"No problem. Is she sleeping." she asked.

"Yeah, it's been a rough couple of months."

"Ok. Well why don't you get her and we'll go inside." she said

I shook my head and went around to the passenger side. I scooped Lisa up, she stirred a little.

"Hmm Chris." she said.

"It's ok honey go back to sleep."

"Are we at the hospital?" she asked.

"Yeah baby we are."

She put her arm around my neck and snuggled into me. I tried hard to keep it together.

When we walked into the hospital Megan and I walked over to the desk.

"Can I help you?" a nurse asked.

"Yes I'm Dr Megan Phillips I left a message for Dr Fitzpatrick." she said

The nurse paged the Dr that Megan named. It was only a couple minutes before he came out.


"Jason. It's good to see you. This is Chris and his wife Lisa." Megan said

I just nodded hello to Dr Fitzpatrick.

"Come on i have a room already for you." he said

We followed him to a room, I walked over to the bed and gently placed Lisa on it and I pulled up the blanket. When I gave her a kiss on the forehead she woke up.

"Hmm hi." she said

"Hi. Look who's here."

When Lisa saw Megan she smiled.

"Megan Hi." She said with a shaky voice.

"Hey, so I hear you've been having a rough couple of months." Megan said

"Yeah." she said

"Well your in the hospital your safe nothing will happen to you here, this is nurse Katie and she's gonna get you cleaned up and hooked to an IV so you can get some fluids, and something to help you sleep and once you've had a good night's sleep then we'll talk ok." Megan said, holding Lisa's hand.

"Ok. Where's Chris." she said

"I'm right here baby."

"I'm sorry for everything. I just wanna get better." she said

"You don't have to apologize, it's ok. Now you heard what Megan get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning. I love you."

"I love you." she said.

The nurses got Lisa cleaned up and settled into bed and I went to talk to Megan.


"Hi. Why don't we go down to Dr Fitzpatrick's office and you can fill me in." she said

I agreed and we headed down to his office. When we got there, Megan handed me a cup of coffee.

"Alright so fill me in, what's been going on." She asked.

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