Chapter 96

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(Wow ok so I'm sorry for not updating for awhile, i got hit hard with the flu and i was in bed for like 2 weeks and it was not fun. And when i went back to writing i had bad writers block. And once again i have no clue what I'm talking about on the medical stuff but either way here is ch 96 Enjoy)

"So when does Chris get home?" Kelly said

"Friday, and frankly I can't wait."

I was laying on the table getting my 2 week check up with Kelly.

"Alright everything looks good and the next time you come in will be 5 months and then after that you don't have to come in until your close enough to the end of your 6 month." Kelly said

"Really, everything is going that well."

"Yes, but you still need to be cautious. No stress, no travel and unfortunately no sex, i don't wanna risk anything." Kelly said

"Wow, that's not gonna make Chris happy, but I'll do it." I said getting off the table and grabbing my coat.

"Ok i want you to call me if you have questions or you feel any kind of pain." Kelly said, walking me out.

"I will, thanks Kelly for everything. Oh wow what was that?" I said, grabbing my belly.

"What happened?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know, it kinda felt like bubbles. Is that normal?"

"Yes, that's the baby sort of kicking, your gonna feel little things like that over the next couple months, it's nothing to worry about." Kelly said

I smiled and headed home, when I got there I grabbed the latest sonogram picture out of my purse and looked at it.

I still couldn't believe it. Here I am pregnant when all that time i thought i couldn't be this way.

We told mostly everyone we could. I told Chris I wanted to tell Robert and Ana.

When we told Megan she was thrilled to say the least. I smiled when she sent us a teddy bear with some treats.

So I pulled out my laptop and decided that I wanted to call Robert. So I dialed the number and waited for the connection.


"Hi Susan."

"Hey good looking, how are you?" Susan said

"I'm good, great even. Is Robert around?"

"Yeah he is, hold on. Honey, someone on zoom wants to see you." She said

When I saw Robert I couldn't stop smiling.

"Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous girl, hey beautiful are you?" Robert said

"I'm good Robert."

"Alright well I'll let you guys catch up." Susan said.

"Susan, can you stick around there's something I have to tell the both of you, actually it's better to show you but i need you guys to close your eyes."

They both closed their eyes and I pulled out my sonogram picture.

"Ok you can open your eyes now."

"Oh my god, lis is that." Susan said

"Kiddo is that a sonogram picture." Robert said

"Yeah it is. Guys, I'm pregnant."

"Holy shit." Robert said

"Honey, that's amazing. But wait, I thought you were told you couldn't have kids." Susan said

"Yeah that's what i was told to but my doctor here in Boston said that i was ok but still considered high risk because of the accident."

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