Chapter 27

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(well this one took me awhile to get done but it did it and i'm currently working on ch28 so bare with me. Fair warning we got some sexy time. Thanks for the comments and encouragement.)

It was later that night after I got my package and everything was making me uneasy.

Every noise, every sound, everything was making me jumpy, I hated feeling this way.

I was sitting on the couch with dodger watching TV. I couldn't concentrate on my program when all I could think about was the contents of that box.

I decided to call Maci but she wasn't answering her phone.

I texted her.

Hey girl.

What's up gorgeous.

Not much, just kinda freaking out.

Honey will stop worrying about your birthday. I'm sure whatever Chris has planned is gonna be fun.

No, I'm not freaking out about that. Something happened today.

OH MY GOD what happened. Did you and Chris fight again?

No, we didn't fight, Maci can you just call me please.

Honey, I can't. I'm at work. Listen, I'll try and call you tomorrow. Ok, I really need to get back. I'm sorry I love you.

Yeah love you too.

"Well that sucks, I kinda wanted to talk to her." I said, rubbing dodger's belly.

I was so lost in thought I looked at my watch and saw what time it was.

"Hmm I wonder where Chris is."

Chris's POV

I was sitting at Scott's place going over the last minute details for Lisa's birthday.

"Ok so Maci will get to mom's at 8am and you guys will go to the private airfield at 10, Lisa and I will get there at 11."

"Man Lisa is gonna be so surprised." Scott said.

"I sure hope so."

"Dude, she's gonna love this trip and stop worrying." Scott said.

"I'm not worried about the trip, I know she'll love it but."

"But what, bro is something wrong, did you guys fight?" Scott asked.

"No we didn't fight but something did happen. This morning she got a gift, well I wouldn't call it a gift."

"If it wasn't a gift then what would you call it." Scott said.

"It was a box with a dismembered rat and dead roses."

"Oh my god, who would send that to her." Scott said.

"She thinks it was Jacob. And now everything is freaking her out."

"Wow so this trip is something she needs right now." Scott said.

"You can say that again getting her out of Boston for a while and getting her mind off of things is the best thing for her."

I couldn't wait to get home and start packing for this trip but first things first i needed to get to the store and pick something up for Lisa. I hope she likes it.

Lisa's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about that package I got . I knew it had to be from Jacob and was this a message.

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