Chapter 37

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(Ok people we got some sexy backseat action so fair warning.)

Chris's POV

After I hung up with Maci I sat back on the couch, dodger jumped up and sat his head on my lap. He could always tell when something was bugging me.

"Hey bubba." I said, rubbing his belly.

I turned on the TV and found a baseball game on.

"Maybe this will take my mind off things."

I was so engrossed in the game I didn't even hear Scott come in.

"Don't worry I'll set it all up and let ya know when you get here, ok I'll see ya soon. Hey bro, what's the score." Scott said

"Huh oh I don't know, I'm not even paying attention."

"What's wrong with you feeling ok?" Scott said.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just worried about Lisa."

"Why are you worried about her? She and Maci are on their way right." Scott said.

"Yeah they'll be here later tonight, Scott be truthful with me do you think Lisa is having second thoughts about the wedding."

"What on earth makes you think that she loves you like she is head over heels in love with you." Scott said

"I know and I'm crazy about her too, but the wedding getting leaked really freaked her out, it freaked her out so much she had a panic attack on the phone with me the other night. I had to call maci to come in from the other room of her place to calm her down."

"Bro, listen to me, yes what happened with the wedding getting leaked to the press is a gut wrenching thing, and Lisa freaking out about it yes scary, but when she talks about you and the wedding she lights up so i highly doubt she's having second thoughts about anything." Scott said

"Thanks man, hey who were you talking to when you came in."

"Oh it was maci she wanted to do something special for Lisa to get her mind off stuff, so she asked me to set up a picnic on the beach tomorrow." Scott said.

"That sounds like a great idea. Let me know if there's anything I can do."

"Well, what's Lisa's favorite flower?" Scott asked.

"She loves wildflowers." I said

"Wildflowers, got it. Alright I've got a shopping list of things to get before the girls get here so I'll see you tomorrow, and Chris don't worry so much everything will be fine." Scott said

I just smiled and watched Scott leave.

Lisa's POV

Trying to sleep when you have a million thoughts running through your head is just, well , it's not good.

I just couldn't get what those vipers with their camera's said out of my head.

"Hey sleepy head, I was just about to wake you up."

"Maci, can I ask you something?"

"Yes I got that hot bodyguard number before we left New York." Maci said smiling.

"No, that's not what I was gonna ask you, and I'm not surprised by that one bit, no what I was gonna ask you is do you think with all the comments about me not being famous or a model that I'm gonna fail at being Chris's wife. That I won't be able to live up to his standards."

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