Chapter 16 Dirty Talk and a roommates POV of sexy-time

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(Warning strong language and sexual situations) 

Chris wasn't lying when he said to get some rest cause we didn't stop it was a all night fuck fest in my bedroom, and my shower, and on the floor of my bedroom.

Let's just say we had so much fun from the time Chris showed up Monday night at my apartment until Tuesday after noon.

We were so caught up in each other that we didn't even realize maci had come home.

Maci's pov

Man work kicked my ass but i did have a fun night at Daryl's or was it Darren hell i can never remember their names no point when it's a one night stand.

I was just glad to be home where I could just veg out on the couch with a bottle of wine and a pint of ice cream.

I headed into the apartment humming the tune on my phone, I placed the mail on the table and shut the door.

As I walked to my room I took off my headphones and heard some strange noises coming from lisa's room. Well me being sneaky i had to hear what was going on. As quietly as i could i put my ear to lisa's bedroom door and the things i heard would make a nun cry.

"Looks like someone got an early homecoming. Sounds like Chris is here." I said

Hell I've said worse but sweet Lisa what has hunky cap turned my friend into either way he was giving it to her good.

"Oh god, your so deep." Lisa said

It sounded like there was a wild animal in the room.

"Yeah your my dirty girl aren't you, say your Daddy's dirty little girl." Chris said.

Ok now i know i shouldn't be getting worked up but damn this was hot.

"Hmm I'm your dirty little girl daddy, i should be punished I've been a very bad girl, daddy you should spank me." Lisa said.

"Oh yeah did you touch yourself while i was gone." Chris said.

"Yes i did daddy i played with myself, i pretended it was you daddy, I pretended it was your hard cock going in and out of my pussy." Lisa said.

Wow the moaning coming from that room. I might need to turn a hose on these two.

"Oh god fuck me daddy fuck me hard oh god yes." Lisa said.

"Fuck." Chris said.

"Cum inside me baby i wanna feel all of you every oh god every last drop, chris oh god Chris." Lisa said.

"Yes baby fuck yes." Chris said.

Yep my girl is satisfied. But I better make myself vanish.

Lisa's pov

"Oh wow. That was oh boy." I said my breathing was all out of sorts.

"I can do this all day." Chris said.

"Did you really just pull a cap line on me Evans." I said

"They do come in handy don't they." He said.

"Well if you really wanna do this all day i need food so come on i want pizza." I said getting out of bed and putting on my panties and Chris's t-shirt.

I watched him get out of bed and I couldn't stop staring at his ass as he put on his shorts.

"Hmm, that's really is America's ass isn't." I said biting down on my lip.

"Oh so you think your funny." He said running over and picking me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me out to the living room kissing me along the way.

"Well well well bout time you guys got out of your sex chamber." Maci said sitting on the counter drinking coffee.

"Hey maci." Chris said, still holding me.

"Christopher what have you done to my sweet angelic Lisa?" Maci said

"Maci what the hell are you talking about." I said as Chris set me down and went over to the couch.

"Oh I don't know, were you a dirty little girl." Maci said, smiling that evil smile I've come to love.

"Maci. Don't go there." I said.

"Why not aren't you Caps dirty little girl. Oh daddy I'm your dirty girl." Maci said.

"Maci I'm gonna kill you." I said chasing her around the living room. I chased her to her room and she slammed the door.

I walked back out into the living room to see Chris on the couch laughing hysterically.

"Hey it's not funny." I said standing in front of him.

"Oh yes it is. Come here dirty girl." He said pulling me on top of him and kissing me.

I thought we would pick up where we left off in the bedroom that was until Maci came back out from her room.

"Ok either you two need to give it a rest till I'm at my friends place or I'm gonna turn the hose on you." Maci said.

"Wait your leaving." Chris said.

"Yeah maci is gonna give us the apartment so we can have some alone time." I said

"Maci you don't have to do that. Besides, I can't stay." Chris said.

"What I thought you were staying here with me before filming started." I said.

"Production got moved up so i start filming on Saturday. So i got a place close to the film site." Chris said.

When Chris said this I got a little sad.

"So we only get 3 days together." I said

"Yes and no. Yes we only get 3 days here but we have everyday when I'm not filming and every night to be as loud and as active as we wanna be. So maci you don't have to leave." Chris said getting up and walking over to his bag and pulling out a little gift bag and handing it to me.

"What's this." I said.

"Open it and find out." Chris said sitting back down next to me.

When I opened it up it was a key.

"A key."

"Yeah that is a key to the front door of my place in upstate new york. That's where the majority of the filming is taking place and well i saw a place and i thought why not rent it. Beats traveling back forth in city traffic." Chris said.

"Well maci i guess you got the place to yourself for a while." I said smiling.

Chris smiled, leaned in and kissed me.

"So when do we leave." I said said

"Whenever you want." Chris said.

All I could do was smile. 6 months with Chris while he films his new movie. 6 months in the country with the hottest man i know.

Who would say no to that.

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