Chapter 13 Countdown and A termination

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2 weeks and let me tell you when your in love and have an amazing man in your life who's 3,000 miles away from you makes you go crazy.

"2 weeks down, 1 week to go."

"So your my countdown clock now maci." I said.

"What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't?" She said.

She handed me a beer and flopped on the couch.

"So when was the last time you heard from Hunky Cap." she said.

"Last night. And then again this morning."

"Oh yeah i heard ya last night." Maci said.

I choked on my beer.

"I'm sorry." I said

"Honey thin walls and lite sleepers. I heard every Oh baby. And every moan coming from the phone sex with the hunky captain." Maci said.

"And now I'm embarrassed." I said.

"Oh honey relax it's not that big of a deal I've had my fair share of phone sex." Maci said.

All I could do was laugh.

"Oh I'm getting buzzed." I said.

"Woohoo sexy cap is calling for sexy time." Maci said.

"It's harry. Hey harry what's up."

"Hi Lisa, listen I know you've been working from home and while you were on your trip but i need you to come in right now." Harry said.

"Umm ok can you give me an hour."

"Sure. When you get here come straight to my office." Harry said.

"Ok I'll see you in a hour." I hung up with harry.

"What's up." Maci asked.

"I have no idea but i need to go into the office right now."

"Do you want me to drive you?" Maci asked.

"No, I'm fine, I'll catch a cab."

I headed to my room and got dressed, but I couldn't help but think why Harry wanted to see me.

An hour later I was at the office and I was not looking forward to seeing Harry.

The whole elevator ride up I was shaking. I got off the elevator and walked to Harry's office.

"Hi Lisa, Go on in Harry's waiting for you."

"Thanks penny."

I knocked on Harry's office door.

"Come in."

"Hey harry."

"Lisa come in sit down." Harry said.

"Is everything alright harry."

"Lisa there's no easy way to say this but I've gotta let you go." Harry said.

"What your firing me? Why what did I do." I said.

"You didn't do anything, it's a budget cut. All the departments are scaling back. I'm sorry." Harry said.

"But I don't understand the interview I did was great. It scored high."

"Yes it did but it didn't matter. Every department is making cuts. Low man on the totem pole. You've only been here a year and a half." Harry said

"So few months shy of 2 years and that's it I'm gone." I said

I couldn't believe what was happening right now.

"Lisa, look I'm truly sorry about this. If you want I can maybe see if any of the news affiliates here in New York need help." Harry said.

"No, maybe this is for the best, I was never meant to be an interviewer. Thanks harry." I said.

I shook Harry's hand and then headed to the elevator.

The second the elevator doors closed the tears fell.

When i got back to the apartment maci was sitting on the couch talking on the phone.

"Yeah right like you've ever done that. Hey Stacy, I'm gonna have to call you back ok. Hey what did Harry want?" Maci asked.

"I got fired."

"What. Why." Maci asked.

"Harry said budget cuts. All the departments took a hit. Oh god Maci what am I gonna do. And how am I gonna afford this place."

"Honey don't worry about that right now. Maybe this was for the best. You really weren't happy there anyway." Maci said, putting her arms around me and hugging me tight.

"I wasn't but it was a steady paycheck. This is a nightmare."

"I know honey. Listen, why don't you go take a hot bath and relax? I'll cook dinner." Maci said.

"Cook dinner Maci all you know how to do is boil water. No offense."

"None taken or I'll order dinner now go on go relax." Maci said.

I hugged Maci and disappeared into my room.

Maci POV

I wish I knew what to do for Lisa. Damn you Harry.

I picked up my phone and called someone that might help.

"Dammit voicemail. Hey it's Maci listen can you give me a call when you get a chance it's about Lisa. Thanks."

I hope they call back. Lisa could use a friendly voice right now.

It was about 20 minutes later and my phone was buzzing.

"Hey Maci it's Chris I got your message what's up is Lisa ok is she hurt."

"No she's fine, well physically she's fine emotionally not sure much Chris she got fired today." Maci said

"Shit, what happened." Chris said

"Budget cuts. But I'm calling bull crap on this one." Maci said

"Is she there?" Chris asked

"She's in her room. I think hearing your voice might help her." Maci said

"OK, thanks for the heads up." He said.

I hung up with Chris. I really hope this can help Lisa.

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