Chapter 3 A Hunk In My House

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After Maci and I got back to the apartment I decided to hide in my bathroom in a nice hot soothing bubble bath, but it wasn't soothing nore was it relaxing.

"Lisa honey, are you gonna come out or am i coming in." Maci said banging on the door.

"No i'm permanently moving into this bathroom just forward my mail to the toilet."

I said placing the rag over my face. Then I heard the door open.

"Maci can't you see i just wanna be alone."

"Honey you can't let this get you down." Maci said sitting on the toilet.

"Why not. I blew the biggest interview of my life."

"Sweetie you don't know that. How do you even know what Harry was talking about with the hunky captain." Maci said grinning.

She always called Chris that ever since she saw all the captain america/avengers movies.

"You didn't see the look on Harry's face. It was like someone just killed his puppy and fed it to him."

"Lisa you have got to snap out of this. Now come on get out of that tub and get in this living room with me and binge watch crappy rom coms." Maci said.

After Maci left the bathroom I reluctantly got out of the tub and put on my comfiest pj's. As I was brushing my hair maci came back into the bathroom.

"Maci i'm coming ok."

"There's someone here to see you." Maci said smiling.

"Oh god it's probably Harry with my termination papers. Well guess i should face the firing squad. Wish me luck."

"It's not harry." she said.

"Well if it's not Harry then who is it. Ed Mcmahon."

"I think he's dead. No it's well maybe you should see for yourself." maci said.

"Maci i swear if this is like that time in college where you had the entire lacrosse team wearing your underwear i'm gonna be very upset."

I walked out into the living and was floored at who I saw.

"Well i'm not a lacrosse team, but i am wearing women's underwear."

I could feel my soul leave my body, Chris Evans was standing in my living room.

"Chris, what are you doing here and how do you know where I live." I said shaking from head to toe.

"Well i had to bribe your boss to give me your info. You ran out so fast I never had a chance to ask you out to dinner." Chris said.

"You were asking my boss for my information. Wow umm when i saw you talking to harry i thought i blew the interview or i said something that upset you."

"No way, personally for someone that's never interviewed a movie star before I think you did an excellent job." He said.

I smiled. I couldn't believe Chris Evans was standing in my living room.

"Well thank you."

"Your welcome. So how bout dinner tomorrow night i can swing by here and pick you up say 8." he said.

I could form any words. All I kept thinking was Captain America just ask me out on a date. Thank god maci was there to bring me out of my daze with a poke to my back.

"Umm yeah sure 8 sounds fine."

"Great. Oh before I forget, here put your number in my phone, and I don't want a number for a vet clinic." He said smiling.

His smile was intoxicating, I grabbed his phone and put my number in it and handed it back to him, when he grabbed it his fingers grazed my hand sending shivers up and down my spine.

"Awesome so i'll see you tomorrow night at 8pm." He said.

"Yep. See you tomorrow." I said walking him to the door.

"It was nice to meet you Maci." He said

"Oh believe me the pleasure is all mine." Maci said, eyeing Chris like he was a piece of meat.

I just turned and gave her a look which prompted her to stick her tongue out at me.

"Well thanks for stopping by, wish i was a little better dressed."

"Nah i love the teddy bear pj's i think they look damn sexy." He said once again, making me shiver.

I just let out a nervous laugh.

"Well goodnight Chris."

"Night Lisa, sweet dreams." He said, turning to walk down the hall.

I closed the door and couldn't stop smiling, just as i was about to talk my phone rang.


"Just checking. See ya at 8 gorgeous." Chris said.

I walked over the couch and flopped down on it.

"I can't believe Chris Evans just asked me out on a date."

I looked at Maci and we both squealed with delight.

Little did I know Chris was on the other side of the door smiling after hearing our reaction.

"Oh my god what am i gonna wear. I haven't been out on a date in 4 years."

"Don't worry about that tomorrow we both have the day off we can go shopping and find you something that is gonna make Captain Hunky stand to attention." Maci said.

I was still in shock that one of the biggest actors in the movie asked me out to dinner.

All the things went running through my head. What would we talk about, do i hold his hand, do i let him hold mine.

Either way i was gonna enjoy myself, come hell or high water i was gonna have fun.

I just hope i didn't say or do anything stupid.

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