Chapter 39

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Lisa's POV

I didn't think there was anything else left in my stomach. I was hunched over the toilet for almost an hour. I wish Chris didn't follow me because I didn't want him to see me like this.

I could feel him rubbing my back. I pulled my head out of the toilet and looked at Chris and the look he had on his face was of terror.

"I feel like my head is spinning."

"Here, put this on your neck." He said placing a wet rag on my neck.

"Why is this happening to me?"

"Baby what happened." He said

I was nervous to tell him.

"I was dreaming that I was in Beverly Hills with Maci and we were walking down the street window shopping and I started hearing people talking but no one was there."

"What were the people saying?" He asked

"Your gonna think I'm completely insane."

"Hey, I love you, you're not insane, your are crazy about me so." He said smiling.

I smiled back.

I went to stand up but my legs were like jelly, Chris scooped me up and carried me to the bed.

"Here, drink some water." He said

"I'm ok. It just, everything felt so real."

"Explain to me everything that happened, you were walking down the street with maci and you heard voices, what were the voices saying." He said holding my hand.

"It was what the paps said to me, I'm using you for your money, I'll never be, I'll never be as pretty as your ex's, your gonna leave me when you get bored with me. So many mean and hurtful things."

"Ok first of all i will never ever get bored with you your fun to be around you make my life and exciting so no I'll never get bored, my ex's are my ex's for a reason they either cheated on me or wanted things from me that I could never give them or they just weren't right for me, and you are the most beautiful women no most beautiful person inside and out. I knew you were right for me the first day i met you." He said

"When I saw you my heart just kept beating so fast I thought I was gonna pass out."

"Well I'm glad you didn't other wise i wouldn't have been able to take you on that date, and kiss you for the first time. It was there i knew just how amazing and right you were for me." He said

"But it wasn't just them, out of nowhere maci started saying things that I've never heard her say to me. Not even when we struggled to make ends meat when we first moved to new York. She said I would never be good enough for you, that I was a loser and a failed reporter and she just kept calling me a failure. She's never said that to me. Then the paps were chasing me down the street, and I just started screaming at them and that's when you woke me up."

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry about all this. I wish you didn't have to go through this." He said

"The thing is, even though I'm having these feelings and I'm scared to death to leave the house, I can't wait to marry you, but what happens if the press somehow sees the wedding."

"Well I'm gonna do everything I can to make this wedding the most wonderful and beautiful day for you." He said

"I think I know what to do."

"And what would we do?" He said

"Call Janey set up an interview to introduce me to the world, let them get to know me, let them see the real me. If they don't like me to hell with them I'm marrying the hottest actor in Hollywood and nothing's gonna stop me from doing that."

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