Chapter 61

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(Ok here is chapter 61 still think it's not very good but what the hell I'm jumping. Warning bad language and trigger warnings.) 

"Lisa, hey baby. Come on, you gotta wake up, I gotta get you out here."

I felt someone shaking me awake. When I opened my eyes I saw the best thing ever.

"Chris. Oh my god you found me." I said, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Told you I would always be there for you." He said

I felt him lift me up and place my feet on the ground, but my legs were so shaky I could barely stand. So Chris picked me up and bridal style and carried me to the stairs but we didn't make it.

"Well, well, fucking well if it isn't the super hero himself. Where do you think your going." Jacob said, pointing a gun at us.

"I'm getting my wife and getting her as far away from you as possible. I'm gonna come back here and beat you within an inch of your life." Chris said

"Yeah I don't think so. Put her down." Jacob said

Chris kept a tight hold on me. Jacob came towards us, the gun pointed at my head.

"Put the bitch down, or i blow her fucking brains out." He said

Chris didn't want to put me down but he slowly sat me down on the bed.

"Good boy, now back up." he said, pointing the gun at Chris's chest.

"Look I'll give you whatever you want, I'll give you money, whatever the amount I'll give it to, just let me take her out of this place." Chris said.

I looked at Chris trying so hard to keep it together.

"Hmm tempting offer but nope I've decided." He said sitting down next to me, putting his arm around me. "I'm gonna keep her, besides I still need to get my second date and then maybe I can make an honest woman out of her." Jacob said, crashing his lips on mine.

I tried to push him off me but I was so weak I just couldn't do it. I looked and saw Chris was fuming. And before I could tell him not to, he grabbed Jacob and pulled him off me, throwing him to the ground and punching him.

"Don't you ever touch my wife again. Do you hear me?" Chris said

Jacob got one of his hands free and hit Chris in the head making him fall over and off of Jacob. The two of them rolled around on the floor punching each other.

Jacob got the upper hand on Chris and got him on his back, Jacob had his back to me so i mustered up all the strength i could and jumped on his back, i scratched and clawed at Jacob's face but he was strong he stood up and backed me into the wall making me fall to the ground.

He grabbed his gun and yanked my head up and pointed the gun at my head.

"You stupid bitch." he said cocking the gun, i closed my eyes waiting for him to pull the trigger. But he didn't, Chris got up and grabbed him and the gun and started having a tug of war for the gun.

I watched both of them struggle to get the upper hand. It was a back and forth struggle to see who was going to get the gun but then I heard two shots ring out.

When I stood up I saw both Jacob and Chris fall to the floor. I walked over to them and saw Chris holding his stomach.

"No, no no no, baby. Oh my god." I said seeing the blood on his hands and shirt.

"I'm sorry." Chris said

"No, stay with me you're gonna be fine please don't close your eyes your gonna be ok. Stay with me baby please stay with me don't leave me."

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