Chapter 72

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(wow you guys I'm loving the complements, as you know it's hard for me to write these chapter's cause one i either get an idea for a chapter i write it down and i think no way who would read this it's crap or write a chapter and be like meh it's not gonna get better. But I'm so happy you guys like it. And I'm trying to make it good. So sit back and enjoy and thanks again.)

Lisa's POV

After I left mom's house I went home feeling like a complete bitch for the things i said. My mind was racing, I walked into the house and went straight up to the bedroom and sat down on the bed.

"Good going dummy you really stuck your foot in it this time. You probably just alienated the only family you've ever had. Don't be surprised if Chris files for divorce. I gotta get out of here but where, where am I gonna go. I can't go to New York, I can't stay here. I know where I'll go."

I went into the closet and grabbed a bag and shoved what I could fit in it. But before I left I had to leave Chris a note. I went over to my nightstand and grabbed a piece of paper out of my journal and just started writing.

I'm so sorry for the way I acted at your mother's. I think I need to get myself together and I think it's best if you and I separate. I'm in no shape to be a wife. I'm not good for you, if you want to divorce me I understand. I'm broken Chris and I don't think I can ever be the woman you married or the one you fell in love with.

I'm sorry for everything. I don't know where I'm going, just know the day you walked into my life was the best day ever. I'll always love you, I hope one day you find someone that will give you that family you've always wanted but in reality it's not me.

I'll always love you.

Love Lisa.

After I was done I looked down at my left hand and took off my rings and placed them on the note at the end of the bed.

I went downstairs and looked around and just sighed. I walked out and headed to the airport.

When I got there I looked at the board and thought about where to go.

"Hi, can I help you?"

"When is your next flight to Los Angeles."

"Umm, the next flight leaves in 2 hours." she said

"Can I get a one way ticket to LA please?"

"First class or coach." She asked.

"First class please."

"Ok that will be $1500 do you have any bags to check. And will this be cash or credit?" he asked.

"No bags to check and I'll pay cash."

After I paid for the ticket I headed to the gate.

Once I was boarded I settled into my seat and went to check my phone before we took off. And of course when I turned it on a ton of text from Scott, Shanna, Carly, mom and Chris and also a voicemail from Chris as well. I took a deep breath and listened to it.

"Lisa please don't do this, don't give up on us. Oh baby where are you? I don't want this to be over. I love you, please don't do this. I'm not giving up on us. I know things are bad. Please let me know where you are so we can work on this together. I love you with all my heart and I don't want anyone else. I want only you. I love you, I'll never give up on you."

I closed my eyes and let the tears fall. I just couldn't face him not after what went down at his mom's place.

I just sat back and waited to land in LA.

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