Chapter 52

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(I hate when life beats you down so much that projects take a backseat and i really hate it. And i've had that little voice in my head tell me your not gonna finish this your keep putting in off and putting it off and i did. And i'm so sorry for that. the last 2 weeks i had to help out my niece with her son cause his school went virtual, then this past saturday i had a emotial draining family get together that ended with me feeling like i just wanted to crawl in bed and just sleep till whenever. I guess because i don't really like the month of January, On jan 8th, 9 years ago my mom passed away from cancer, my birthday is Jan 26th this year i'll be old 46 years old. I've been rethinking alot of my life and it hurt. But enough about this and enough about that here is chapter 52 and oh boy guys oh boy so enjoy.)

It was the night of Sebastian's movie premiere, maci and I were finishing up getting ready.

"Hey maci can you zip me up please."

Maci zipped the back of my dress up. And I took one last look in the mirror.

"So how do I look?"

Lisa's Dress for the premiere

Lisa's Dress for the premiere

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"Beautiful. How do I look." Maci asked, putting on her earrings.

Maci's Dress For The Premiere

Maci's Dress For The Premiere

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"Gorgeous. As always." I said both of us smiling

"Hey ladies, are you almost ready? We need to get on the road."

"Coming babe. Ok come on before Chris and Sebastian come up here and drag us to the car."

We both did a once over in the mirror and headed downstairs. When we got downstairs both Chris and Sebastian turned and looked at us.

"Wow you ladies look incredible." Sebastian said

"Thanks baby." Maci said going over to Sebastian.

Chris walked over to me and took my hand.

"You look just as beautiful as you did on our wedding day baby." He said kissing my hands.

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