Chapter 58

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(hey all so just to let you know that this story is gonna be ending soon. Also whenever i talk about doctors or something medical i have no idea what I'm talking about LoL so here we go)

"Mrs Evans. Mrs Evans."


"I'm sorry to wake up but we've landed in New York." Nadine said

"Oh wow I slept the whole flight."

"Yes you did. When your ready William will be waiting to take you to the hotel." Nadine said

"Thank you Nadine."

"I hope you don't mind but your phone was ringing but when I answered but no one answered back." Nadine said

"Oh thank you. It might have been my husband. Thank you Nadine for everything."

"Your welcome Mrs Evans." Nadine said

After I collected myself I headed outside and it was nighttime. When I looked at my watch it was after midnight and it was raining.

"Mrs Evans. Hi I'm William I'll be your driver tonight. I've already got your bags in the car." He said holding an umbrella over me.

"Thank you William."

He walked me over to the car and I got in. We headed to the hotel that we would be staying at for the premiere, Chris was able to get me into the room a few weeks early.

When we got to the hotel, William helped me and my bags into the hotel and up to the concierge desk.

"Hello, welcome to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. My name is Renee. How can I help you?"

"Yes, I believe my husband set up a reservation under Evans."

"Evans, Evans ah yes here we are well seems like your husband has you booked into the presidential sweet. And here is your key and I'll get someone to bring your bags up." Renee said

"Oh that won't be necessary, I only have one bag."

"Alright, well the elevators are right over there and if you need anything please call the desk. Have a nice night Mrs Evans." Renee said

"Thank you."

I grabbed the key-card from the girl and headed to the elevators. As I was in the elevator heading up to the room on the 24th floor my phone rang. It was an unknown number so I answered it.

"Hello." No one said anything "Hello, is anyone there." still no one talked. So I hung up.

Once the elevator stopped on the 24th floor I got on and made a right and walked down the hall to the presidential suite. When I opened the door all I could do was whistle.

"Holy shit, this room is massive." I walked in closing and locking the door behind me.

I walked more into the room and saw the layout was the size of our living room in LA. On one side of the room there was a full kitchen, and on the other side of the room was a bedroom with a very big king size bed and a bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub.

"Nice job Evans, you did good. I'm so gonna use that tub."

I headed back into the living room to get my bag and bring it into the bedroom. I started to unzip it when my phone rang and this time it was Chris.

"Hey baby."

"Hey gorgeous. Are you still in the air." he asked.

"Nope I'm just getting settled in the hotel room and i see someone got the presidential suite for us. Now by any chance you wouldn't happen to know who did that, would you."

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