Chapter 87

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(Hello everyone. WOW i love that you guys love this story. Thank you so much, so short and sweet don't know when the next update will be I've been dealing with some health issues and house stuff so i have to get that taken care of but don't worry I'll be writing on my phone when i can. Again Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty. Oh and we got some sexy time.)

When we got back to the hotel I went over to the couch and took off my shoes. I saw Chris go over to the window. I went over to him and placed my hand on his back.

"Hey you two, why don't we get some room service and have a movie night." Mom said

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea mom, honey what do you think?"

"I think I'm gonna go for a walk, clear my head." Chris said

"I'll come with you."

"No you stay here with mom and Scott have movie night, and relax I'll be back soon." Chris said, giving me a kiss and walking out the door.

I watched the door close and walked over to the couch and sat down, mom came over and sat next to me.

"Just let him cool off, it's been an extremely stressful day. Look, Scott and I are gonna go out and give you guys some privacy." Mom said

"Mom you don't have to, it's ok."

"Honey i love you but you two need some alone time to decompress, just let him cool down ok. Listen, why don't you go take a long hot bath and just try to relax, ok i love you." Mom hugged me.

"I love you too mom." I said, hugging her back.

I did what she said. After they left I headed into the bathroom and turned on the water and poured some bubbles in. I stripped down and then I checked the water to see if it was ok to step in. Once it was fine I stepped in and let the warm water relax me.

After i was done i got into some comfy Pj's and then i headed out to the living room and saw Chris wasn't back yet. I just sighed and went over to the couch and turned on the TV and flipped to a random movie that was on.

As I was sitting on the couch I got a chill. I grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and placed it on me and I smiled. It reminded me of the first winter Maci and I had.


I was in my room sleeping when all of a sudden it felt like I was in a meat locker.

It was winter in NYC and we had just gotten at least a foot of snow and the temps had dropped so low it was like living on an iceberg.

When I woke up shivering I rolled over and saw it was 3am. I got up and went to Maci's room.

"Maci, are you awake?."

"Yeah, it's freezing in here. The heat must be out again. Come on over, get under covers with me." She said

When I got under I started to warm up.

"OH my god i can feel my feet again. How is it so warm under here?"

"3 blankets and one electric blanket cranked up to high." Maci said

"Mom get ya these."

"Yep and her card said, when you wanna stay warm on those rotten cold New York winter nights." Maci said

"She really said rotten cold."

"Yep, she still hates that I live here." Maci said

"Well I'm glad you live here."

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