Chapter 23

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(Ok so i can't come up with a name for this chapter if anyone has any suggestions lay them on me i'm open to anything.)

By the time we got to Boston it was well after 2pm.

Chris gave me the keys to the house and headed in, I placed the keys on the side table by the door.

I walked over to the couch and kicked off my shoes. The second my head hit the couch cushion I was out.

Chris's POV

"Hey babe what do you wanna do about dinner.?" I said walking into the house and seeing Lisa asleep on the couch.

I walked over to the couch and placed a blanket on her and kissed her forehead.

Since Lisa was asleep I decided to head over to mom's and pick up dodger.


"Hey sweetie i wasn't expecting you till tonight."

"We didn't hit much traffic."

"Is Lisa with you." She asked.

"No, she's home asleep."

"Asleep is she ok." He said.

"Yeah she's fine."

"Christopher, I know when somethings bothering you, now come on tell me what's wrong." she said.

My mom could always tell when any of us were worried or sad.

"Mom, she's been having these nightmares, and I don't know how to help her, that's why she's home right now sleeping."

"What are the nightmares about?" She asked.

"About this guy, his name is Jacob McHenry. They went on a date and she never went back for a second date and he basically stalked her until he showed up at her work or her school or her old place 5 years ago and tried to hurt her but her best friend Maci's boyfriend at the time beat the hell out of him and he went to jail."

"I remember she told me about him." She said.

"When did she tell you about him?"

"The last time you guys were here when we went to lunch, she told me about him." She said.

"How do I help her mom?"

"Sweetheart all i can tell you is be there when she needs you. The nightmares will go away. It's just gonna take some time." She said.

"Thanks mom. Ok well I better get home, thanks again mom."

"Now I want you and Lisa to come by for dinner when you guys are up to it." She said walking me to the door.

I gave mom a hug and headed home. Mom was right, I just needed to be there for Lisa when she needed me.

Lisa's POV

When I woke up some time later I was on the couch and it was dark out. I went into the kitchen to get some water when I heard the front door open and in walked Chris and trotting alongside him was dodger.

"Dodger, oh how's my good boy, I've missed you." I said watching dodger roll on his back so I can give him belly rubs.

"Oh so i see how it is i go out get you your favorite pizza and he gets all the love." Chris said.

"Awe is my big boy jealous of a dog. Does someone want belly rubs." I said.

"Hmm belly rubs maybe later right now I'm starving." He said giving me a kiss.

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