Chapter 94

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(Not much of a note just some sexy time to start and that i don't know anything about medical procedure. so whatever medical related i say is just made up i know nothing LoL So here goes.)

"Oh god."

"Fuck." he moaned.

Chris and I haven't left the bed since we got back from the beach, we were living on room service and well each other.

I was close to a climax when Chris decided to grab me and flip me on my back and thrust into me, he grabbed my legs and put them over his shoulder.

The movement of his hips was making my entire body shake and shiver. I could feel myself start to clench around him, he let go of my legs and I wrapped them around his waist.

"I'm close, baby." he said, his hand on my hips.

"Me too oh god I'm close."

He picked up the pace but before we could finish his phone began ringing and ringing and ringing.

"Baby your phone."

"Fuck my phone. I'm busy fucking you." He said

He kept going, and his phone kept ringing.

"Babe it's just gonna keep ringing unless you answer it."

"Son of a bitch, hello, oh hi Doug, My director." he mouthed to me. "What hold on sec, i gotta take this I'm sorry." he said kissing me.

"It's ok, I'm too tired to move."

I watched him wrap a towel that was laying on the floor around his waist and go into the other room. I grabbed a bottle of water and took a sip when my phone rang. I looked and saw it was Kelly.

"Hi kel what's up."

"Hey do you have time to talk, maybe even zoom call me." she asked.

"Yeah sure, I think. Kelly is everything ok."

"Yes I've got some news and I think it should be face to face." she said

"Ok give me five minutes."

"Sure, I'll wait for your call." She said

After I hung up with Kelly I got a sinking feeling that her news was bad.

I got dressed and headed into the living room and saw Chris in the kitchen on the phone. I grabbed the laptop and got the zoom video ready.

"Yeah I'll be there in 20 ok bye. Well your not gonna believe this. I gotta go to set for a few hours, turns out one scene that me and Emily shot was somehow muted so we gotta shoot a portion of the scene all over again." He said, putting on his pants and shirt.

"Oh ok."

"Hey what's wrong." He said sitting down next to me.

"Umm my doctor friend back in Boston said she needed to talk to me over zoom so I'm getting it set up."

"Do you think it's bad news." he said

"I don't know."

I dialed the number and waited for the zoom video to connect and when it did I saw Kelly sitting in her office.

"Hi Kelly, this is my husband Chris. Chris, this is Kelly."

"Hi Kelly, it's nice to meet you." Chris said

"It's nice to meet you too." she said

"Ok I'll leave you girls to talk." He said

"Actually Lisa, if it's ok with you I would like Chris to sit in on this." She said

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