Chapter 14 A firing and Some sexy phone time.

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(Reader be warned some smut is in this chapter)

After i got out the tub i got into my comfiest pair of Pj's and crawled into bed the faster i can get this day over with the better.

All I wanted to do was sleep. But my phone ringing wasn't letting that happen, but when i saw who it was i gladly picked it.

I took a deep breath.

"Hey gorgeous."

"Hi handsome." I said

Hearing Chris's voice made everything that happened go away.

"I didn't think I would be hearing from you tonight. I know your day was slammed."

"Yeah well a little birdie told me what happened today." He said.

"I'm going to hurt her."

"Hey come on now Maci is just trying to be a good friend. So what happened why did they let you go." He asked.

"Harry said budget cuts and I haven't been there a full 2 years yet so I was low man on the totem pole. So I got chopped." I said.

"I'm sorry, gorgeous. Hey maybe something will come up." He said.

"I don't know maybe being an interviewer or reporter isn't for me. Maybe i need to find my passion. But i just don't know what that is." I said.

"You'll figure that out. I wish I was there next your and hugging you and kissing that little spot on the back of the ear that just drives you crazy." He said.

I smiled and I knew where this was going.

"So what are you wearing." He said with a chuckle.

"Comfy pj's."

"Really what color are they?" he said.

"Blue your favorite color."

"So if I was there next to you right now what would I be doing."He said

"Kissing me, using your tongue to open my mouth, and I would welcome it."

I began touching my chest, closing my eyes picturing Chris right there next to me.

"Hmm that's getting me hard baby. Tell me what would you do to help with my hard-on." He said

"I would take my hands and unbuckle your pants and release you from your pants. Then I would kiss every part of your chest, then I would take my mouth and place it on your rock hard cock."

I could hear him growl.

"Do you wanna know how much i wanna fuck you right now." He said.

"Oh you do well not before I take your hard cock and put my mouth on it. And suck you until you burst."

"Touch yourself, take your fingers and rub them on your clit."

I did what he said.

"Hmm, I'm so wet baby. You make me this way."

"Your damn right you are. Shove those fingers inside of you like when I shove my cock into your dripping wet pussy." He said

I could feel my stomach begin to tighten, I was on the verge of coming unhinged.

"Oh god I wish you were here, I want your cock inside me so bad. I love your cock in me, pumping in and out and just Oh god, ravaging my core."

"Hmm baby. Tell me more."

"Your so deep inside me. Fuck Chris, I'm so close baby." I said thrusting my fingers inside.

"Me too. I wanna cum in the hot pussy of yours. Fuck yourself harder pretend it's me pounding you like a wild animal." he said

I did just that.

"Fuck oh fuck baby I'm cumming oh god, Chris fuck yes oh god, yes yes oh god yes." I said

I could hear him finish himself off as I climaxed. My breathing ragged but I didn't care.


"Wow if you think that was wow wait till i get to new York, cause when i see you wild dogs couldn't keep me from ripping your clothes off."

"I can hardly wait."

"Do you feel better?" he said.

"You always and I mean always make me feel better."

"Hmm i hate to do this but i have to run I've got 3 meetings and a radio interview i have to get to."

"That's ok. I love you baby."

"I love you babe, hey just try not to think about getting fired and just focus on the fact that I've got 7 more days and then I'm in NYC and then I'm in you." He said

I had to giggle when he said that.

"Ok love i have to go. I love you." he said

"I love you too."

Chris was right, I shouldn't worry about getting fired, all my focus was on right now was seeing Chris again and I was gonna get that in 7 days. I miss him when goes out of town. But once he's home I'm not letting him out of my sight.

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