Chapter 45

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(WOW so this is the longest chapter i think i have ever wrote. So it's 3 days before the wedding and it's everything leading up to it. Yes it's long but theres a treat for the ladies and the gents if any gents read my stories LoL so enjoy.)

3 days till the wedding.

3 days before the wedding things were started to get a little bit hectic.

I was sitting outside by the pool watching Scott talk on the phone, i looked up at him and he smiled at me.

I got up and walked over to the steps and headed down to the beach, I could hear children laughing.

"Uncle Chris toss me the ball."

"Ok Ethan you ready." Chris tossed the ball in the air and Ethan caught it.

"Woohoo, I did it uncle Chris i did it." Ethan said running to Chris who picked him up and tossed him over his shoulder.

"Good job buddy." Chris said.

Watching Chris with the kids just made me happy, I couldn't wait to have kids of our own.

I was sitting on the sand digging my feet in watching the waves break in the distance. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even feel Chris sit down behind me.


"Son of a bitch, hey babe." I said leaning back, kissing him.

"Hmm, 3 days." Chris said

"I know, i have my last dress and reception outfit fitting tomorrow morning, you and scott have your tux fitting later today, and then the rehearsal dinner."

"Stella can't wait to toss flowers on the beach, she said all her friends are gonna be so jealous." Chris said

"I know she was so happy when I asked her. She loves her little dress she's gonna wear. When she tried it on she twirled around and said look aunt Lisa i'm a pretty ballerina. I couldn't stop smiling."

"Yeah she's really excited." Chris said, hugging me tight.

"I love it out here. I could sit out here all day and just let my worries and my cares just float away on the waves."

"Well nothing beats Boston weather." Chris said.

"Ok Boston weather is sometimes crazy and sometimes amazing, but what i am looking forward to is lying in bed with a roaring fire going in the fireplace and looking out the window and watching the snow fall."

"Hmm now that sounds incredible. But honestly when the wedding craziness is over I can't wait to finally take you on the honeymoon." Chris said, kissing my neck.

"So do I have to wait until we leave for the honeymoon or are you gonna tell me before then?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." Chris said.

"For the record you suck."

"I'll give ya something to suck." Chris said

"Christopher." I said laughing at him.

"Hey Chris, come on man we gotta go." Scott said

Chris got up and then helped me to my feet.

We headed back to the house, Scott and Chris headed to their appointment. I headed up to the guest room to look at my dress.

"Your gonna look beautiful."

I turned around and saw Maci standing there. She walked over to me and put her arms around my waist.

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