Chapter 97

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(Hi guys, well once again life is rearing it's ugly head. I'm being pulled in so many direction and none of them are good, Please don't hate this chapter i don't think it's very good and I'm struggling to come up with stuff to put in. Like i said i don't know anything about medical stuff, so here it goes.)

Over the next few days Ana and I had been all over Boston, today we decided to check out a baby boutique.

"Oh Lisa, look at this one, it's so cute." Ana said

I looked to see her holding up a little onesie with a yellow duck on it.

"That is adorable."

"So are you gonna have a baby shower." She asked.

"I don't know, I guess I'll have one the closer I get to my due date, I haven't really thought about it."

After we were done we headed out when I heard someone call my name.


"Hi mom, what are you doing over here?" I said hugging her.

"Oh just doing some shopping for Aj and for my soon to be new grand baby. Ana it's so good to see you, but where's Chris." Mom asked after hugging Ana.

"He's in Washington for his ASP meetings. He should be back on Friday."

"Right, so you girls heading somewhere else or can i treat you to lunch." She asked.

"No, we were just about to head home. And lord knows I can eat."

"Well you are eating for two now." Ana said laughing.

After we were done having lunch with mom we headed home to relax.

Ana headed to her room to take her bags and I sat on the couch to relax. As I was sitting there I started to feel hot, like I was burning up.

I didn't even hear Ana come into the room.

"So I was thinking maybe a movie or we could just watch some TV, Lis, hey honey are you ok." Ana said

"Yeah I think so, I just feel a little warm. I think I'm gonna go splash some water on my face."

I got up and headed into the bathroom, I splashed some water on my face but when I went to turn around I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

I headed back out to the living room but the pain wasn't going away in fact it was getting worse, I walked down the hall I called out for Ana.

"Ana. Ana."

"Lis honey what's wrong." Ana asked coming to my side

"I don't know, I think something's wrong."

"Come on, let's go to the living room." Ana said

But when we were walking to the living room I sat down on the couch.

"Ana, something doesn't feel right. I keep getting these pains, oh my god Ana somethings wrong."

"Ok come on, I'm taking you to the hospital." Ana said

She was helping me up.

"Lis, There's blood on the sofa." Ana said

"Oh my god Ana. I think I'm losing the baby."

Ana hurried me out to her rental car and drove me to the hospital. I called Kelly on the way there.


"Kelly. It's Lisa."

"Lis honey what's wrong." Kelly asked.

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