Chapter 113

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(I'm sorry guys it's been taking me so long to get over this writers block, I'm trying really hard, i just can't figure out what to do. I hope you guys aren't upset that I'm not giving chapters out daily. It's been a struggle. I have Ch 113 for you, enjoy.)

Well it's been a couple months since we started the whole surgency thing and wow it's been emotional, it's been hectic and just draining but it will be worth it in the end when i get to hold my little baby.

With all the testing we've all had to do it was finally time for our first insemination.

Me, Chris and Carly were all sitting in the exam room waiting for Kelly. My nerves were beyond crazy. I was pacing the floor so much I thought I was going to put a groove in it.

"Honey, you have got to calm down." Chris said

I just looked at Chris and then Carly grabbed me.

"Hey i know your nervous but listen I'm just as nervous as you are, i want this to work too but you have to remember what Kelly said this might not work on the first try. That's why we did all the testing, ok so just take a deep breath and calm down." Carly said

I did what Carly asked. I took a deep breath and I felt a little bit more calm but not completely. It was nerve wracking waiting for Kelly to come in.

What felt like forever was only a few moments.

"Hey guys sorry to keep you waiting, So you guys ready for this." Kelly asked.

"Yes we are more than ready."

"Alright why don't we get started." Kelly said

After about 45 minutes Carly was finished.

"Ok so now what."

"Now Carly, I need you to go home and rest, and in a couple days you can take a pregnancy test and then we will take it from there." Kelly said

We all thanked Kelly and then we took Carly home.

"Ok now you heard what Kelly said, rest." Chris said

"I know and I promise I'll rest." Carly said

I gave Carly a hug and thanked her.

"Thank you Carly."

"Don't thank me yet, thank me when I give you that little baby you've always wanted." she said, hugging me.

After we dropped Carly off we headed home, once we got there I couldn't stop thinking about things. I guess I was off in my own little world.

"Hey you alright." Chris asked me

"Huh what did you say honey. I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention."

"I asked if your ok. You seem a little off." he asked.

"I've just been thinking about things."

"Oh like what." he asked.

"What if this doesn't work, what if none of this works. I worried about Carly, what if this hurts her, and if it does work, i don't know the first thing about taking care of a baby, what if i forget to feed the baby or i leave the baby on the roof of the car or worse i leave the baby outside, how will i be able to take care of the baby when your away working, and then there's dodger what if he hates the baby, what if he." I didn't even finish when Chris grabbed my face and kissed me.

When he broke the kiss he said .

"Now do you know why i kissed you." he asked

"Cause I'm rambling."

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