Chapter 22 The truth comes out/Boston Bound again

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It was only a few moments later I heard Maci running up the stairs to the bedroom.

Chris was still holding me.

"Hey girlfriend." Maci said

"Hey." I said reaching out my hand and she grabbed it.

"Why don't I give you ladies time to talk, while Sebastian and I go get breakfast." Chris said, kissing me. "I love you." he said.

"I love you too."

When Chris left the room I took a deep breath and looked at maci.

"So you had a dream about him." Maci asked.

"It wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare, a horrific nightmare. Maci he killed you, he killed Chris and killed me."

"Shit. They never got that far before." Maci said.

"I know. What does it mean?"

"I think it means you need to tell Chris." Maci said.

I knew she would say that.

"I know but what if I tell him and he runs like every other guy."

"Oh honey wild dogs couldn't pull that man away from you and neither will this. Honey, you've been with Chris for almost a year and this is the first time you've had this kind of nightmare. I think it's time you tell him about Jacob. It's only fair."

I knew maci was right but was i willing to risk my happiness for something that happened 5 years ago.

"Ok I'll tell him when he gets back."

Maci just kissed my forehead and hugged me.

I must have fallen back to sleep when I felt my cheek being caressed. When I opened my eyes I saw Chris sitting on the bed.

"Hey beautiful." He said.

"Hi." I said sitting up in bed. "I have to tell you something. The nightmare I had there's a reason behind it now you have to let me get all of this out before you say or do anything i just need you to do this for me ok."

"Ok." He said, grabbing my hand.

I took a deep breath and spoke.

"About 5 years ago I met a man named Jacob McHenry. I thought he was a nice guy a sweet guy. I would see him around Cambridge and he would go to the same coffee place I went to. Now around this time maci and i had been friends for about a year and she warned me about him said he was giving off a bad vibe I went out with him once and frankly i didn't feel anything for this guy so i didn't do a second date and he didn't like that to much the next thing i knew i was getting phone calls and letters, boxes of dead roses. He would show up at my school at my work. He followed me everywhere and one night he came into my apartment and he tried to hurt me. Thankfully the guy that Maci was dating beat the hell out of him and he went to jail and I was finally free of him."

I swallowed and continued.

"That was five years ago but every guy that I've been in a relationship with has taken off after I told them. They didn't wanna deal with the drama or the baggage as they called it. And I know the position your in if you wanna." I said but Chris interrupted me.

"I'm gonna stop you right there, I am not leaving you, not now not ever, you are my life, your my world, without you there's no me, and if this guy even thinks about coming after you i kill him myself. I will never ever let this guy get near you." He said.

"It's just the dream felt so real, you were dead and so was Maci and he killed me too. Every other nightmare I've had never went as far as him killing me, but I could physically feel the knife going into my stomach. I could feel the pain. That's never happened before." I said the tears streaming down my face.

"I'm never gonna let him get near you." He said lifting my chin up so I could look in his eyes. "I promise. He will never hurt you. Do you believe me." He said.

"With all my heart." I said.

Chris kissed my forehead and held me in his arms.

Telling him about Jacob took a huge weight off my shoulders and Chris being so understanding about what happened in my past made me fall more in love with him.

A couple weeks later it was time to go back to the city and truthfully i wish we didn't have to but since the movie was done filming it was time to go back to the real world.

"Ok the car is all packed and we are ready to go." Chris said.

I was standing in the middle of the living room taking everything in one last time. I felt Chris come behind me and put his arms around my waist.

"Ready to go." He said.

"Do we have too." I said.

"Unfortunately we do." He said.

"I know. But this place is peaceful. I don't wanna go back to New York."

"Well would you be interested to come home with me." He said.

"Home. La home or Boston home." I said putting my hands on the back of his neck.

"Boston. I am taking some time off. I've been working non-stop and we have a couple special days coming up." He said.

"Oh yeah and what would those days be.?"

"Well someones Birthday and it will be one year since I met the most beautiful, amazing, intelligent and very sexy women who changed my life in more ways than one." he said, kissing me.

After he kissed me I had a smile on my face bigger than ever.

"I guess I'm not going back to New York, looks like I'm Boston bound." I said.

"Then let's get on the road. We got a long drive." He hugged me and headed out to the car.

Go back to the place where I fell in love with the man of my dreams. Why not?

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