Chapter 62

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(It's been a craptastic weekend for me. My mother in law passed away last week her viewing and funeral were Friday and i am so mentally, physically and emotionally drained. Being strong for your loved ones is like i said draining. But here is chapter 62 enjoy.)

Lisa's POV

It's getting harder and harder to keep the faith that anyone is gonna find me. I don't even know how long I've been down here, days, weeks i don't know, all i know is that i just wanna go home.

I miss Chris. I miss sitting on the couch in his arms with dodger on the floor just watching movies on TV.

I'm so sore and I'm so cold. My body feels numb. I can barely move my fingers.

"God. I know I haven't talked to you since my mom died but i need your help, please help me. I wanna go home. I wanna go home to my family. I wanna see my husband again. Please keep my baby safe."

I prayed, I'm not sure it will get answered but I wanted to try.

I heard him coming.

"Wow you look like shit. Welp it's been 2 weeks and nothing from the hubby, is he stupid does he not care, oh i know, he's moved on, yep he's probably forgotten about you and moved on with a hotter more attractive younger women." He said.

I tried to keep my head up but I couldn't.

"Your wrong, he loves me. He would never give up on finding me."

"Yeah well when I called no one answered so either they're dicking me around or they're trying to find me so if they find me I'm gonna kill you and leave you here to rot. Cause I'm gonna be long gone." He said

"Can I please have a blanket or some food?"

"A blanket, food, what the hell, where do you think you are, the Ritz Carlton. Sorry no on both your gonna suffer and I'm gonna love it. Now I'm gonna go to the store and get some stuff cause even though I don't have any big money I have enough to get some supplies and get us out the hell out of town, so sit tight and don't move I'll be back." He said, touching my face.

I yanked my face away from him. I could hear him laughing as he went back upstairs.

The tears falling down my face. I crumpled into a ball to try and keep warm. I placed my hand on my tummy.

"I'm so sorry baby. I wish your daddy was here. I hope your still with me. I don't even know if your alive but I love you so much."

I closed my eyes and dreamed of better days, a life with Chris and our baby.

Chris's POV

It's been 2 weeks and I'm going out of my mind.

"So wait your saying you've got no leads, you don't know where the hell he is or where my wife is. So what your giving up."

"Chris we are not giving up, we just don't have the manpower to keep people on this, but I'm staying on this." Detective Martin said

I wanted to punch this guy, even though he said he wasn't giving up on this I had a feeling he was.

"Detective Martin, is there anything we can do to maybe get word out about my daughter in law and the man who took her." Mom said

"I'm not sure how much more we can do," he said.

"Wait Chris, how about i record you and we broadcast it out to every tv station up and down the east coast." Scott said.

"Scott, that's a great idea, detective, can we make that happen."

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