Chapter 74

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(Ugh guys I'm sure this chapter is any good. But i guess you'll be the judge. Like I've said in previous chapters, i would write and write and write and go back be like nope that's terrible but I'm my own worst critic but I'm hoping you guys like it. But i much be doing something right cause I'm #3 in christopherrobertevans so yeah i have no idea how that happened LoL So here we go Chapter 74)

The silence was deafening, I didn't know if I should talk first or let Chris talk first.

"Chris, how did you find me?"

"Don't get upset but Sebastian told me you were here." He said

"Well he's off the Christmas list."

We both chuckled, it was so good to hear his laugh. But now was the time to get to the real reason we were sitting here in silence.

"Before you talk, can you just let me say what I have to say?"

He just nodded his head.

"First of all, I'm sorry I got upset at Carly, I should have been happy for her but I wasn't. I'll never forgive myself for the things I said. It's just when she said she was pregnant something inside me just I don't know snapped. I guess i finally got tired of people telling me that i should talk about things but i just couldn't, i didn't wanna relive what happened to me and remembering being so happy that i was pregnant being so happy that you were gonna be a daddy, than getting abducted, the car crash, the car crash that i cause so I'm as much to blame for our babies death as Jacob is." I said tears streaming down my face.

"Hey, you are not allowed to blame yourself for what happened, if anyone is to blame it's Jacob, he's the one that caused all of this." He said

"No he's not." I said getting up off the couch.

"If i just let him drive the car, if i would have just sat back and done nothing, instead i tried to rip his eyes out, i wanted to hurt him but all i did is hurt myself, if i would have done nothing, i might still be pregnant."

"Lisa, you don't know that. Even if the car didn't crash, your body went through hell, you were starved for weeks, your body was beaten and battered. There was no way the baby would have survived, you did everything you could. Please don't blame yourself." He said coming over to me and pulling me into his embrace.

Feeling his arms around me felt so good but at the same time I was pissed off.

"NO." I said pushing Chris away from me.

"You don't get it, if i would have just stayed at the hotel, if i would have just not gone to Maci's place and saw her beaten dead body he wouldn't have taken me to that basement and beat me. I remembered all of it."

My heart was racing so fast I thought I would faint, seeing Chris's face as he watched me get everything out was that of horrified and stunned.

"I know you remembered you told the cops in the hospital what he did." He said

"No, I didn't tell them everything, I told them what they needed to know, I told them what they needed to put Jacob in jail for the rest of his life, I didn't tell them what he did to me. I didn't tell them the pain and torture i went through."

I started pacing, Chris had to be freaking out I know I was. My stress and anxiety levels had to be through the roof.

"During the time i was gone he would torment me, he threatened mom, Scott, the girls and you, he said he would find where you guys were and slice your throats and what he would do to the kids, i begged him not hurt you, i pleaded with him but every time i did he hit me, one day he punch me in the face the next he grab my arm and twist it. This went on for days. I guess I don't know, I lost track of how long I was there."

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