Chapter 79

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(Wow sorry it took so long to get this up it's been a crazy time, with work and i got sick and things in my family have just gone to hell in a hand basket but enough about me just a heads up there's so seggy's time. Enjoy)

I kept looking at my phone while i was on the plane, checking the time and it was going by so slowly, I've been on the flight for over 5 hours and all i wanted to do was get to LA and see Chris, i couldn't wait to feel his arms around me, his lips on mine, and to stare into his blue eyes, when i get their I'm never letting him go.

"You seem tense."

"Excuse me." I said to an older woman sitting next to me.

"I'm sorry you just seem very tense." she said

"Oh I'm sorry, i haven't seen my husband in a couple weeks so I'm just excited to see him."

"That sounds wonderful dear. I remember those days, when my husband would be gone on business trips for weeks, sometimes even months. I longed to see him, and when I did it made our time together so much better." She said

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, Lisa Evans."

"Margot Thompson but you can call me Maggie or Mags whichever tickles your fancy. That is a beautiful ring, your husband must be very successful." Maggie said

"He is actually, he's an actor."

"An actor, have I ever heard of him?" Maggie said

"Have you ever heard of Captain America?"

"Yes I've heard of captain America, I'm old not dead." Maggie said

"Well I'm married to Captain American." I said showing her a picture of our wedding day.

"Oh my he's very handsome and you look very beautiful my dear. How long have you been married." she said

"A Little over a year. I've been in and out of the hospital."

"Hmm wait a minute you're Lisa Evans the one that was kidnapped. Oh I saw your husband on TV asking for help to find you." she said

As much as I wanted to not say yes I couldn't hide it.

"Yes, that was me."

"Oh my god I don't think I would have survived something like that." she said

"It wasn't easy but I got through it, but I didn't take the loss I had to endure very well. Before I was kidnapped I found out that I was pregnant and because of what happened I lost my baby."

I could feel my eyes welling up.

"Oh my, I'm so very sorry for your loss." she said

"Thank you. It sent me into a spiral that I don't ever wanna go through again. The hospitals, the therapy, I was in a dark place that I didn't know if I could ever come out of, I began lashing out at my family, even my own husband, I didn't realize what I was doing until I snapped one day. I said some horrible things to my sister in law and to everyone in my family."

"Family can be a wonderful blessing, sometimes they'll pick you up when you fall, other times they remind you of the mistakes and try to help you make those mistakes right. I'm sure your sister in law doesn't hold a grudge against you." Maggie said

I listened to what Maggie had said, family means everything to me, before i met Chris i didn't have a family all i had was maci,and now i have 2 sisters, a brother, a mom and so much love that i don't know what to do with it.

"Oh looks like we're getting ready to land." She said

I looked out the window and saw the plane landing. After getting off the plane, Maggie and I walked together.

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