Chapter 122 (The End)

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5 years later.

Lisa's POV

It's been an eventful 5 years filled with all kinds of first.

Maci is growing up to be an amazing little girl. She started talking at 9 months old, well if you can call it talking her first word was bubba, which is what chris always calls dodger.

Speaking of dodger, when we first brought maci home he was a little skeptical. He had always been the baby but now he had to share us with a tiny human. He warmed up to her, but now he is her protector and he loves it.

Chris took a couple years off from acting so he could be there for everything that maci accomplished in her life.

But here we are now 5 years later and she is amazing. I'm headed to school to pick her up.

Chris is getting home from Washington today and she's excited to see him.

"Hey pumpkin."

"Hi mommy." she said, hugging me.

I got her into the car and strapped her in.

"How was school today?"

"It was fine, Miss Kenzie read a book to us. It was about a little girl who had a great adventure." she said

"Oh that sounds cool."

"Is daddy gonna be home when we get there?" she asked.

"He promised he would be when you talked to him last night didn't he."

"Yes." she said

We both missed Chris so very much.

When we got home she was ready to jump out of the car. I got her unstrapped and we headed into the house. And we were greeted by dodger.

"Hi bubba." she said, giving him scratches.

I went into the kitchen to get maci a snack and some water.

"Hey maci, why don't we go outside and have our snack."

"Ok mommy." she said

We headed outside and we saw a special visitor, when maci saw she took off running.

"Daddy." she said, jumping into his arms.

"Hey baby girl."

"Daddy, I missed you." she said her arms wrapped around his neck.

"I missed you, princess. Did you have a good day at school." he said, holding her.

"Yes." she said

I walked over to them and Chris put his arm around me and pulled me close to him.

"Hi gorgeous." he said

"Hi handsome."

He placed his lips on mine and kissed me.

Later that night Maci wouldn't leave Chris's side. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie, when Chris looked down he saw maci was asleep.

"Why don't i put her to bed." he said

I nodded and watched him pick her up and carry her to her room.

After he was done he rejoined me on the sofa.

"It's so good to be home with my girls." he said sitting down on the sofa with me.

"And we are glad to have you back home."

When I looked at Chris I thought back to when we first met and how nervous I was to be around him, now all these years later we have this amazing life.

We've had our ups and downs, our trials and tribulations but in the end here we are together with our little girl sleeping in her room.

"I love you mrs evans." he said

"I love you Mr evans." i said

He leaned forward and kissed me softly.

Who would have thought I would have married the man I interviewed all those years ago.

I never would have but here I am today.

I love him more than life itself.

The End.

I just wanted to thank everyone for the votes on this story and all the follows i've gotten. I've got another story lined up but i'm gonna take a little break from writing to a little bit not long i'll be back. So be on the look out for a new story. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Thanks again to everyone. Love you guys.

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