Chapter 49

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(Ok folks again thanks for the encouragement. I've been dealing with some personal stuff and i'm trying to write when i have time but it's been a rough couple days. Alright getting to the wedding night. Get ready some sexy time.)

After we seemed like a short car ride, honestly I couldn't tell Chris and I were into a heavy make out session, frankly i would have done it with him in the backseat but i wanted to wait till we got to the hotel.

We were so lost in each other we didn't even know the car had stopped until we heard a knock on the window.

"Hmm baby i think the car stopped."

Chris stopped kissing me and rolled down the window.

"Sorry to disturb you sir but we have arrived at the hotel."

Chris and I laughed.

"Well what do you say we take this upstairs." He said

"I agree."

He got out of the car and then helped me out.

We checked in and headed up to the honeymoon suite. I was about to go in when Chris stopped me.

"Hold on their Mrs. now you know we have to follow the rules." Chris said

I knew what he was saying but I wanted to play along.

"What rules." I said smiling.

"Well i need to carry you over the threshold so lets do this." He said picking me up bridal style and carrying me into the room.

When he set me down i couldn't believe the room we were in.

"WOW." was all i could say.

I walked around the room and saw rose petals all over the place. And on the table was a basket with a card. I picked it up and read it.

"To the happy couple we hope you have fun and enjoy your honeymoon and have a drink. We love you Robert and Susan." I smiled.

I opened it up and saw some chocolate and some champagne. I was taking the bottle out of the basket when i felt Chris put his arms around my waste and his lips on the back of my neck.

"Wow look at all that stuff. Who's it from ." He said grabbing the bottle from me and opening it.

"From Robert and Susan."

He popped the bottle and pour two glasses and handed me one.

"So what should we toast to." I said

"Hmm to life, to love, to the first day of the rest of our lives together." He said

"I'll drink to that."

We clink our glasses, once we were done Chris took the glass from me, set it on the table.

He put his arms around me and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

"Why don't i change into something a little more comfortable? And you can pour us some more of that." I said

I kissed him one more time and grabbed my bag and headed into the bathroom.

I opened my bag and took out the blue lace nighty i had packed. I took off my outfit and put on the nighty checked myself one more time in the mirror and headed back out into the bedroom.

And what i found was amazing. Their were candles everywhere and Chris was sitting on the edge of the bed. I walked over to him and stood between his legs.

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