Chapter 55

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(Ok people i did a little role play with Chris as one of his roles that he's played. Once again lots of sexy time. Enjoy All.)

The sun began to shine through the curtains, I felt an arm draped over my waist, when I opened my eyes I realized that I wasn't in my bed at home.

Then I remembered, I smiled to myself, I knew where I was, I was lying in bed with my husband. I remembered back to last night, Chris and I making up for so much lost time.

I sighed and felt Chris move behind me. I turned to face him, placing my hand on his cheek.

"Hmm, good morning." He said with a smile.

"Good morning."

"Your so beautiful in the morning." He said

I smiled, but I remembered where I heard that before.

"Hold on, did you just use a line from what's your number on me Evans."

"I don't know what you mean." He said trying to hide the smirk trying to break through.

I just started to tickle him, causing him to grab my hands and pin me on my back. He caressed my cheek and softly placed his lips on mine. But that kiss even though it was soft it was filled with so much passion.

I could feel him start getting hard. He started moving his hand down my body to my wet clit.

"Hmm so wet already, how should I take care of this?" He said rubbing his finger up and down my wet clit.

I couldn't help but moan at his touch. The feel of his fingers just rubbing me was driving me crazy.

"Tell me baby how I should i take care of you being so wet just from me touching you." He said

I had a thought and I ran with it.

"So What would Mr Hugh Ransom Drysdale do in this situation?"

When I said that I saw a darkness in his eyes. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head.

"First of all don't even call me Hugh, only the help calls me Hugh, call me Ransom or better yet Mr Drysdale." He said

"Yes sir Mr Drysdale."

"You asked what I would do, I take what I want and what I want is this." He said grabbing the pillow and taking off the pillow case and wrapping it around my hands and tying it tight.

"So what are you gonna do to me Mr Drysdale?"

He leaned over me and whispered in my ear.

"Whatever I want, you see like I said I take what I want and what I want." He said, pushing his rock hard cock into me.

"Oh god."

"Is to make you cum and to hear you screaming my name. Now what's my name." He said

He pumped his hips into me at a slow and deliberate pace. Teasing me with each thrust. He took my legs and wrapped them around his waist and pulled me up to face him. His hand gripping my hips lifting me up and ramming me back down.

"Oh god, Ransom."

"Nope, that's not what I told you to call me is it. Now Say it right or i stop fucking you." He said

"Fuck oh God, Mr Drysdale. Please."

"Please what little girl." He said keeping a grip on my hips.

"Please fuck me Mr Drysdale."

I felt like i was floating, i was in a euphoric sex haze, our movements started to get chaotic.

"Fuck, I wanna touch you Mr Drysdale, let me touch you please."

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