Chapter 81

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(Wow I've got my whole house to myself and i can write my story whenever i want. Right now I'm sitting in my air conditioned bedroom posting this and getting back to chapter 82 which i almost have done. Just so you guys know next week i won't be posting at all my best friend is coming up from North Carolina so i won't be on much. She leaves on Friday so I'll be getting back to writing then. Anyway enjoy this chapter and look out for some seggy's time.)

The next day Chris was back on set and I was home. I was sitting in the living room when I thought about someone I needed to call. I pulled up Sebastian's contact info and hit the button.


"Sebastian, hey it's Lisa."

"Hey gorgeous how ya doing, where are you?" he asked.

"I'm in LA at the house."

"Wow that's great, so you can Chris on the mend." he asked.

"Yeah we're on the mend, listen are you busy right now."

"Actually i just got done a photo shoot, why what's up." he said

"You think you can swing by the house, there's something I need to talk to you about."

"Sure i can be their in 20 minutes." he said

"That's great I'll see then."

After I hung up with Sebastian I could feel my anxiety kicking in. I went outside and took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. After a few minutes I started to calm down.

I came back into the house and heard the doorbell.

"Hey beautiful." seb said

"Hi." I said hugging.

"It's so good to see you. You look good. How do you feel?" he said

"I feel really good. And I wanna thank you for calling Chris, yes i was mad but i know you didn't mean to upset me you did it because your my friend."

"Yeah I hated seeing you in denial, I just thought Chris had a right to know. But i'm glad you got help and now i get my friend back." he said

"I'm happy I got help too. But that's not why I called you here. I called you here because well i think it's best if i show you." I said reaching over the side of the couch and grabbed Maci's urn and set it on the table.

"Umm what's that?" he asked.

"It's not what, it's who, It's Maci's ashes. Well some of her ashes her mom has the rest."

"Oh. Wow. I don't know how to react to this." He said

"I figured that, I'm gonna scatter her ashes in the ocean and you were a big part of her life and I know she would want you there, I know you didn't get to say goodbye to her."

"I didn't." he said

"Chris is gonna take me to a spot, I'm gonna say a few words and i would really like it if you would be there."

"I'm, I'm sorry Lisa i can't, i can't do it, I'm sorry." he said

Sebastian got up and ran out of the house like his hair was on fire. I looked over her at her urn.

"Yeah I know he's still hurting, I just hope he'll be there. So he can say a proper goodbye." I said, brushing the tears away.

Later that night I was on the phone when Chris got home.

"Yeah he was really upset. I still feel like I shouldn't have asked him. I know he's grieving just as much as me. Ok, hey Megan, Chris just got home ok, yeah i talk to you soon, ok bye." I said getting over the phone.

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