Chapter 84

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(Hey all sorry it's taken me so long to post the chapter, I've written this chapter a few time just to get it right but every time i did it just didn't look good to me and i wanna try and give the readers my best and sometimes my best just doesn't seem good enough, so here we go and just and FYI i have no clue about court procedure, what you say how you say I'm going on show's I've watched so here goes.)

A few days later we got a call from John he told us the jury was picked and we were due back in court at the beginning of the week.

It was Saturday night and I was in the bedroom when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said looking up from my book.

"Hey gorgeous."

"Hi Scott."

"How ya doing." he asked.

"I'm ok. I'm just a little worried I guess."

"Worried about what." He said

"John said that Monday is the opening statement and he said that Jacob's lawyer is gonna talk about everything that happened. I don't know if I can relive that again."

"Hey your gonna be fine, you've got me, mom and Chris." he said holding my hand.

"And I got Maci too." I said holding my necklace.

"That you do. And if I knew maci she would say, don't let him control you, you control you." He said

"She would say that, she would say that." I said laughing

"But she would also say. If he tries anything I'll rip his head off and shove it up his ass." Scott said

We both just started laughing out loud.

"What's so funny in here."

I looked up and saw Chris leaning against the door frame.

"We were just thinking of what Maci would say about this whole trial." Scott said

Chris just smiled.

Scott got up and Chris took his place.

"Ok well I'm meeting up with some friends so I'll be back late." Scott said

"Have fun scotty."

"Thanks sis." He said

Chris and I just sat there in silence, I could read his face. It was like he was looking for something to say to me but couldn't find the right words to say.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just worried." He said

"Worried about what."

When he looked up I saw the expression on his face.

"Your worried about me aren't you."

"Yeah I am Honey, when we go to court on Monday it's gonna be crazy." he said

"Chris i know, and i hate that you mom and Scott have to listen to what he did to me and i have to relive it again. But it's something that has to be done. I want him to pay for what he did to me, for what he took from us. Am i scared hell yes, but I'm not gonna let him see that, cause you wanna know why."

"Why." he said

I placed my hand on his cheek.

"Because I know sitting in that courtroom is my captain, my hero, my rock, the man I love and my captain is always gonna be there to protect me and keep anyone from hurting me."

We both smiled at each other.

"You wanna lay here with me."

He shook his head yes.

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