Chapter 20 The Hollywood/Country Party and a Hook Up

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The next day Maci and I were getting ready for Robert's party.

"Ok so what the hell do you where to Robert Downey Jr's house party." Maci asked.

"He said casual oh and bring a bathing suit because he has an indoor pool."

"Well it's a good thing I packed this." Maci said, showing a suit that left very little to the imagination.

"Maci you can't wear that to Robert's house."

"Why not." Maci asked.

"Umm because there's nothing to it."

"Yes there is. It covers my boobs and butt." Maci said.

"You mean it covers your nipples and crotch. Please tell me you brought another suit."

"Yes, I brought another suit." Maci said pulling out a suit that was 10 times better than the one she was originally going to wear.

"Ok now that's better."

Maci just laughed.

"Hey ladies you just about ready, we gotta leave or we will hit traffic." Chris yelled from downstairs.

"Will be down in a second Babe. Come on maci you ready."

"Yep. Let's roll." Maci said, putting on her sunglasses.

We were on the road long when we pulled up to a gigantic house and I was floored.

"WOW. This place is bigger than ours. Where do you guys find these places?"

"How do you think I got the place were in?" Chris said.

Me and maci got out of the car and walked up the stairs and before we got there the door opened and there he was in all his glory RDJ.

"There she is. There's the most beautiful women in the world." Robert said hugging.

"I think your wife might have something to say about that Robert." I said.

"Well we won't tell her. Come on in. Welcome, Welcome." Robert said.

"Robert, this is my best friend Maci."

"Maci, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said, kissing Maci hand.

"Oh believe me the pleasure is all mine." Maci said.

"Well the bar is over there and the pool is out there please help yourselves. I have to make a phone call so i will see you kids later." Robert said.

A couple hours later and the party was in full swing. Chris, me and maci were making our rounds, Chris was introducing me to all his Hollywood friends and maci was so starstruck i thought she was gonna float away.

"Oh wow this party is amazing." I said.

"Yeah, Robert does throw the best parties." He said

Chris and I were talking to each other when maci gasped and grabbed my arm.

"Ok maci can you not do that. What is wrong."

"Oh My God." was all maci could say.

Chris turned around and saw two of his buddies from his avenger days.

"Evans how's it hanging."

"Hemsworth, I didn't know you were coming to this. Good to see you Sebs."

"Good to see you to man."

"Chris, Sebastian, This is my girlfriend Lisa, and this is her best friend maci. Ladies, Sebastian Stan and Chris hemsworth."

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