Chapter 88

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(Ok guys here is Ch88, we've got some seggy's time and some court stuff which may have some triggers for people so please be warned. And now on with CH88)

Chris's POV

Early the next morning I was woken up by the sounds of the city bustling outside. I got out of bed and walked over to the window and saw the rain pouring down.

I heard Lisa stir in her sleep and I couldn't help but smile at the sounds she made when she would stir in her sleep.

I decided to get dressed and go out into the living room, when I got out there I saw mom on the couch.

"Morning honey." she said

"Morning mom, your up early. Couldn't sleep." I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You want the truth, I was worried about you and lis. Are you guys ok." she said

"Yeah mom were good actually were better than good, last night lis suggested that when all of this is said done, and we don't have to deal with Jacob anymore she wants to renew our vows."

"Really oh honey that's wonderful. Where are you gonna do it at, La or Boston." she asked.

"Well she has heart set on something small and in the backyard of your place if that's ok."

"Of course it's ok. Oh honey you two have been through so much. Happiness is what you both deserve." She hugged me.

She was right, happiness is what we both deserved.

"If lis wakes up can you let her know I'll be back. I need to run some errands."

"Sure sweetheart." Mom said

I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed out.

I decided to get some of Lisa some flowers and her favorite treats. I didn't wanna be out too long with the weather being the way it was.

By the time I got back to the room I saw a note on the table from mom saying that she headed out with her friend to do some shopping and she would be back for dinner later. And right after I read the note a text came in from Scott.

Scoot-Hey broski, Steve flew in to surprise me so I'm staying at his hotel tonight. I'll see you guys at the courthouse on Monday morning.

Sounds good bro. See you Monday morning, have fun.

Scott-Oh you know i will. ;-)

I just shook my head and smiled.

I headed into the bedroom and saw that Lisa was still sleeping. I set the stuff I bought down on the table, I took a rose out of the bouquet and walked over to the bed and rubbed it on her cheek.

"Hmm." She said slowly, opening her eyes. "Morning baby." she said

"Morning beautiful." I said leaning in to give her a kiss.

"Is that for me?" She said

"Well not just this one." I said getting up and going over to the table and picking up the roses I bought and the bag of goodies.

"But all of these and this." I said, handing her the bag.

She grabbed the bag and looked inside.

"Chris you didn't, you got me Krispy Kreme Glazed Doughnuts. Oh you are the best husband ever." She said taking a bite out of the doughnut.

"So I take it you like it."

She couldn't even speak but she did moan a little.

"MMMM oh my god these are just so good. I remember Maci would get up at like 4am and go stand in line and get 2 dozen." She said, licking the glaze off her fingers.

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