Chapter 50

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(It's me again. Once again life got in the way. I got sick. My hubby got sick so we were both down for the count. Thankfully it wasn't covid just you good old fashion Flu. So i'm still trying to get myself up and going so again thanks again for understanding. And now i give you some sexy time and a 4 month time jump in the story. Enjoy)

4 months later.

This has been the best 4 months of my life. After spending a couple weeks in Paris and yes we went to Disneyland Paris how could we not.

Then it was off London and wow what a time, after some time in London we headed to Japan and what an amazing place with so much tradition so much culture, once we were done in we moved on to Ireland and each place was just as amazing, and the final stop on this amazing honeymoon was Italy. And well, we left our room once since we've been in Italy. I mean who could blame us when you get this view it's hard to leave.

"Oh god yes, right their baby, don't stop

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"Oh god yes, right their baby, don't stop."

"Fuck baby." He said

The sounds of moaning filled the room overlooking the Italian countryside. Just one of the many stops on this whirlwind honeymoon.

"Chris oh god I'm cumming. Fuck."

Chris's hips thrusted into faster, my legs wrapped around his waist as his thrust lifted me off the bed.

His thrust became faster and reckless, the sounds of our sweat slicked skin and passion filled moans.

The force of his release almost made me pass out.

After our breathing and heart rate got back to normal, we lay in bed, our bodies intertwined.

"God, even from the bed this view is amazing."

"I know but I love the view I'm looking at right now." Chris said.

I turned my head up to look into his blue eyes. He placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me. We started getting into it again when we were brought out of a heavy make out session by Chris's cell phone ringing.

"Whoever that is has bad timing."

Chris pulled himself away from me to answer it. Looking at the caller ID I saw it was his publicist Janey.

Chris's POV

"Hey Janey what's up." 

"I'm so freaking sorry to bother you on your honeymoon but don't shoot the messenger ok." Janey said

"Janey you stalling what's up." I said as I watched Lisa get out of bed and put on my shirt from the night before.

"Filming got moved up." Janey said

"What, but I thought filming wasn't supposed to start till next month."

"It was but the director got the green light to start early. So how fast can you get back to LA." Janey said

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