Chapter 47

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(Wow i just wanna thank everyone for all the support. When i get into my funks it really brings me down. I get so mentally and emotionally drained and that's what's been going on lately, I wish it didn't, i like writing but sometimes i get so depressed when i can't think of what to write that i just go into a shell. But again thanks for the comments and the support on the story.)

Chris's POV

Scott and I were sitting in my office wondering why we haven't started yet.

"Scott what's going on. Shouldn't we have started like 20 minutes ago."

"Yeah I better see what's going on." Scott said

Just as he was about to leave there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Hey sweetie."

"Mom, what's going on, shouldn't we have gotten started by now." Scott said

"Yes we've run into a little problem but everything is gonna be fine." Mom said

"What kind of a problem?"

"It's Lisa, She's fine, now. She had a little panic attack." She said

"What. What do you mean she had a panic attack? Is she ok, I better go talk to her."

"Chris honey it's ok, it's taken care of, Robert is with her and he talked to her and she's ok now. In fact I think you need to get down to the beach and wait for her." Mom said

"So she's ok."

"Yes she's fine. Scott take your brother down to the beach, it's time for your brother to get married." Mom said, smiling.

I smiled and gave her a hug and patted scott on the back and headed down to the beach.

I had to admit I was so nervous, all I wanted to see was Lisa, and the nerves i'm feeling would go away.

Lisa's POV

I was standing at the top of the steps waiting for the wedding march to play.

"Hey gorgeous just wanted to give you a little touch up before you head down their." Maci said

"Thanks Maci."

"It's what a made of honor does." Maci said

"Ladies, are we ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be Scott."

"Alright Maci shall we." Scott said

Maci said, giving me a kiss on the cheek and headed down the stairs with Scott.

"Hey beautiful. You good."

"Yeah Robert, I'm good. Let's get married."

Robert smiled and put my veil down, took my hand and led me down the stairs.

When I got to the bottom I saw everyone standing up, but the one person I wanted to see was Chris.

I could feel Robert gripping my hand showing me encouragement.

The first to walk was Stella and she was so happy to be wearing her dress. she's couldn't stop smiling. When she got down to Chris i caught a glimpse of it Chris bent down and she gave him a big kiss. She whispered something in his ear and he smiled so big. Then she kissed his cheek and went and sat down next to her mom.

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